We absolutely love to promote the talent of our recommended suppliers and so it’s a pleasure to introduce you today to Norfolk wedding photographer, Georgia Rachael.
Georgia teamed up with a host of lovely Norfolk wedding suppliers to create an editorial that celebrated the up and coming new wedding venue, The Woodyard at Worstead Estate.
Mike Savory Films[INSTA user=”mikesavoryfilms”]
provider: vimeo
url: https://vimeo.com/543663178/dc68409eef
src: https://player.vimeo.com/video/543663178?dnt=1&app_id=122963
src mod: https://player.vimeo.com/video/543663178
src gen mod: https://player.vimeo.com/video/543663178?h=dc68409eef
src gen: https://player.vimeo.com/video/543663178?h=dc68409eef&dnt=1
“When compiling the inspiration for the moodboard, I wanted to focus on providing future clients of Worstead with a vision that truly captures your imagination, but remains malleable enough to envisage how they could incorporate their own personality into it.”
“Our hope was to really showcase to couples from outside this area, as well as within, just what a privilege and a joy it is to be wed in this beautiful part of the country.”
Georgia Rachael[INSTA user=”georgiarachaelphotography”]
“We opted for an on-paper-traditional white and neutral colour palette, and Penny from Little Lending Co and the girls at Floral Sistas brought this right into the 21st century; fusing minimalism with subtle luxury.”
“A look that I believe is incredibly adaptable to both expand upon and ‘take your favourite pieces’ from, and compliments almost any kind of wedding space – light, dark, rustic or urban.”
“A special shout out has to go to the model couple we had involved on this shoot who made their journey from Nottingham, and were consummate professionals throughout.”
“It was important to us that we represented diversity in this shoot, and we were thrilled when we found our model couple who are a couple in real life too.”
“They massively contributed to our team’s creative vision going from the stillness in our head, and into motion.”
“We’re all so proud of what we achieved after a year that sucked the creativity and life from our work.”
“This was an amazing opportunity to reconnect with the industry, introduce an exciting new venue to couples and get our tails wagging ahead of a busy, busy year.”