A TrashThe Dress Photoshoot on Brighton Beach…

I am so loving these fabulously fun and glam photographs of the lovely Newlywed Grainne, who asked if she could feature her 'Trash The Dress' photoshoot on Love My Dress.  Strange, you might think, that a Blog associated with loving one's garments, publishes an article about trashing a dress? But you see, that's the whole point!…

All Imagery Copyright (C) 2009 Bruce Neville

Newlywed Grainne and her 'Trash The Dress' Photoshoot... Newlywed Grainne and her 'Trash The Dress' Photoshoot... 

According to Wiki, 'Trash The Dress' is a style of wedding photography that contrasts elegant clothing with an environment in which it is out of place. It is generally shot in the style of fashion and glamour photography.   Some sources claim that the trend was originally started in 2001 by Las Vegas wedding photographer John Michael Cooper, However, the idea of destroying a wedding dress has been used in Hollywood symbolically since at least October 1998 when Meg Cummings of the show Sunset Beach ran into the ocean in her wedding dress after her wedding was badly interrupted.

Grainne says "I posted on a wedding forum and asked for ideas, as to what I could take with me to make the shot that bit more original and quirky, and the lovely ladies made some fabulous suggestions!  So off I went to Brighton, with my best friend and my little Labradoodle, armed with a strange array of different props and accessories, determined to create a really original shoot"

Grainne, you did just that!…

Newlywed Grainne and her 'Trash The Dress' Photoshoot... Newlywed Grainne and her 'Trash The Dress' Photoshoot...

Newlywed Grainne and her 'Trash The Dress' Photoshoot... Newlywed Grainne and her 'Trash The Dress' Photoshoot... 

"Skipping off down the beach, we found a great spot with the iconic green railings that epitomise Brighton.  People started to walk down the steps and then almost ran away when they spotted Bruce getting the camera ready!  Lisa and Lynsey were making me laugh so much it was hard to do my “grumpy face” for the photo!  In this picture I just HAD to wear my gorgeous sparkly nine west wedding shoes, that were missed in all my actual photos!  I love the way that here you can actually see the sparkles".

Grainne, I love your loves!

Newlywed Grainne and her 'Trash The Dress' Photoshoot... 

Newlywed Grainne and her 'Trash The Dress' Photoshoot... 

Newlywed Grainne and her 'Trash The Dress' Photoshoot... 
Thank you so much for sharing your fabulous photographs with me, and congratulations to you and your new Husband (and big fluffy hugs to your ADORABLE doggy!).




Annabel View all Annabel's articles

Founder of Love My Dress. Passionate Podcaster and Editor. Annabel lives in rural North Yorkshire with her husband and business partner Philip, their two daughters and menagerie of furry hounds. She loves photography, meditation, walking, being outdoors and star gazing. She is fierce when it comes to championing talent within the wedding industry and when she's not working on Love My Dress, she supports her husband Philip in the running of the family's sustainable flower farm and floral design business, Moonwind Flowers. In 2013, she became a published author.
