I've discovered an absolute gem of a website for all you vintage lovers planning a wedding out there! 'A Most Curious Party' is a new business that hires out items for vintage tea parties, weddings and other events, from an ever-growing collection of vintage china, decoration and absolutely gorgeous props. They also provide a styling service.
Take a peek…
Images Copyright (C) 2009, Rowan Jones Photography
A Most Curious Party, has its roots in founder Rebecca's love of vintage and everything she collected over many months, for her own July 2008 wedding. This wedding planning experience created a bit of an obsession for Rebecca, and now she can't stop collecting, and so has chosen to hire out all her lovingly amassed vintage paraphernalia, and help others who want to bring a little old-fashioned charm to their event.
And so from one person's genuine love for a by-gone era, a brilliant business idea has been borne. And people are starting to take notice too; Rebecca's website proudly boasts recent press coverage from Company Magazine, BBC Homes & Antiques and Wedding Ideas Magazine. Whether it’s a picnic in style, to birthdays, weddings, or photoshoots, Rebecca can supply you with the props to use yourself, or she will come and do the styling for you!
Image Credit, A Most Curious Party
Rebecca tells me "It seems a no-brainer to me that your wedding day is the day, more than any other, that should reflect you and your partner's personality and style, but when planning my own I felt a distinct lack of originality and openess to new ideas when looking for my suppliers. I loved the wedding planning process (although there were times I was tearing my hair out of course!) so have decided to combine my experiences with a service for other vintage loving brides or just people looking to add something nostalgic or quirky to any event".
"Don’t fancy traipsing the boot sales, eBay and charity shops? Fed up of explaining that you want to serve strawberries in tea cups or just why you fancy a stuffed squirrel as a table centre piece, look no further. I love it all, have probably got it or can source objects for you. I also come armed with a mum who is a dab hand with a sewing machine and can help with any fabric-type needs…"
I love it when I hear a story like this, and especially so when a successful business idea has been created from someone's genuine love and adoration for what they do. I wish Rebecca every success in the future and am busy working on ideas for my own vintage styled party (the 40th is looming ever closer, but don't tell anyone!!).
For more fabulous imagery and a full list of props that can be hired, visit www.amostcuriousparty.co.uk.
vintage tea set, vintage tea party, vintage teaparty