** Love My Dress readers quality for a 15% discount on all Flo & Percy vintage inspired ranges until the end of February. Simply quote LMD15% at checkout **
Morning gorgeous people! I'm shaking things up a little bit today and so rather than having the usual Friday inspiration boards feature right now, they'll be featured this afternoon. I wanted to give airtime this morning to a lady who has inspired me for a number of years now, almost since the moment I became engaged late 2008 infact. This is part of my new weekly feature on inspirational business women, which I hope will inspire both my readers planning a wedding as well as those working in the wedding industry.
It didn't take long back in those early days of being giddy and excited newly-engaged, for my google searches to throw up the wonderful Flo & Percy; a website full of the most exquisite sparkly designs that were heavily influenced by decadent and elegant costume jewellery of the past. And I was smitten. I still feel tingles down my spine as I recall one of my bridesmaids securing my beautiful 'Shearer cuff' around my wrist on my wedding day. Both my cuff and matching hair comb are now safely stored away to one day hand down to my daughters – I hope they become heirloom pieces and are passed on through generations.
Forgive me for sounding like a stalker, but I was always slightly fascinated by the designer behind Flo & Percy – I remember reading her brief web-page bio and thinking how fabulous to be in a position where you have built up your own creative business around something you love and are passionate about. Of course, shortly after my wedding, I established Love My Dress and have looked to the same designer constantly as a source of inspiration on how to run my own business. I respect her no-nonsense straight talking style and I am grateful that on one or two occasions she has assisted in making sure I stick to the right path when I've had a little wobble over something or other.
Today, I'm delighted to share with you a little more about the lady behind the wonderful Flo & Percy, and her more recent business venture, Kitty & Dulcie. I hope that my fellow business broads enjoy reading through as much as I have. And so without further ado, I hand you over to the brilliant, and let's face it, rather bloody beautiful Kirstie Taylor. Enjoy….
Love My Dress Wedding Blog – Image Copyright (c) 2012 Good Housekeeping Magazine
Who are you and what do you do?
I am Kirstie Taylor owner and head designer at my fabulous bridal accessory company Flo & Percy. I am also one half of Kitty & Dulcie who I run with my wonderful partner Shelley Carter-Bright.
How would you describe the Flo & Percy signature style?
Flo & Percy has a vintage style with a modern twist, all handmade with exquisite materials.
How did you get into the business of accessory design and when did you realise you wanted to set up your own business?
I had various arty crafty projects on the go before the creation of Flo & Percy. I have never stopped making things from about 4years old. I always knew I wanted to set up my own creative business, I just wanted to wait until both children were at full time School so I could give it my full attention. Once I decided on making tiaras I knew that I had chosen the right path, I never get bored designing and making them which still surprises me.
An example design from the Kitty & Dulcie debut collection…
Did you have any business experience before setting up Flo & Percy?
I am lucky to have a natural marketing/ business brain that I inherited from my late Father. Without that Flo & Percy would never have made it to where it is today, thanks Dad!
How did you go about setting up your own business?
I took a year before setting up the business to do research, yes, a whole year of research! I wanted to find a niche and I did, Flo & Percy were the first to break up original vintage jewellery and make it into headpieces. I started very slowly with only a few designs and did hundreds of bespoke pieces. The business trebled year by year. It also took a full year to set up Kitty & Dulcie. Rome was not built in a day!
'Getting ready shots' from my wedding day – with my beautiful Flo & Percy cuff and hair comb.
Love My Dress Wedding Blog – Photography Copyright (c) 2009, Karen McGowran
What would you say are the fundamental basics required to establish your own business?
The most important requirement you need to establish your own business is a deep rooted passion for what you do, without that fire in your belly you can't drive your business forward. You also need to be extremely thick skinned, completely 'unflakey' (hope that is a word!) very decisive, determined and unflappable (I can definitely say that I am NOT unflappable).
The list could go on, there is so much I have learnt!
What is your biggest business lesson learned so far?
Lots of lessons have been learnt in my now six year journey with Flo & Percy. I wished I had made the investment in a trademark earlier on, we have had a lot of trouble from plagiarisers.
Your ultimate top tips for any woman looking to take a leap of faith and set up her own business?
My tips for a women going into business: do your research, don't cry and moan about not having enough time with your family/kids, you are now in business – man up! Always remember the customer is King and never forget it, he or she is more important than any other part of your business. Get your business set up properly, invest in an excellent website the best you can possibly afford.
Any obstacles or limitations you have had to overcome, particularly being a woman in business?
I have not had any problems being a women in business but that is probably due to the fact that my lovely industry is so female orientated. It has not even occurred to me before that it would ever be an issue.
What tips do you have for balancing work/personal and family time?
Good question! I am still working on this one! My home life is permanent chaos and the business always comes before cleaning or household duties! I have two children who have grown up with a working Mum, I think they have learned important lessons about money from that as well as appreciating how hard you have to work to be a success.
School forms are sometimes handed in late, homework diaries not signed, odd socks may be worn, but so what, are these things important? I attend every School function I can, to me nothing is more important then going to the School Sports day or Christmas play. My Children are of course my top priority, but I would tell a Mother in business to stop feeling guilty and think about the positives you are giving your family through running your own business.
Don't answer emails at 11.00 at night it looks unprofessional, don't moan about not having enough time it makes you look disorganised, this may sound harsh but business is hard and you need to be hard, I never was in the beginning! It may all be going 'tits up" at home but remain cool and calm to your customer!
Kirstie and her team at the Wedding Ideas Magazine Awards Ceremony…
What/who inspires you/how do you stay inspired?
I am constantly seeking inspiration and loving it! I definitely have to be in the right mood to be creative and look at many different things to get ideas. Films are always a great inspiration to me and at the moment I am thinking about 'Great Expectations', I will read the book again, watch the film and see what comes alive for me in my mind! I can't wait to get started.
There are also a few dress designers I love and make pieces to go with their dresses, especially Jenny Packham. At the moment I am also discussing new designs for Kitty & Dulcie the wedding dress company I own with my partner, it's very exiting!
Me in my 'Selene' wedding dress by Jenny Packham – and my Flo & Percy cuff and hair comb.
Love My Dress Wedding Blog – Photography Copyright (c) 2009, Karen McGowran
How do you go by setting yourself apart from your competition?
I am always striving to set us apart from the competition, we try to make our website different and have recently added video. If I come up with a new design I research to see if anything similar is out there and won't touch it if there is.
We work very hard with our marketing and I am always thinking about creative marketing ideas to make us stand out. I have a marketing manager who is wonderful, but I get very involved in this myself as it is another creative output!
What are your career highlights to date?
There have been some great highlights which makes running your own business so exciting and rewarding. We have a lot of front covers every year and last year won two awards that were both voted for by the public. I have been lucky to design for a few celebrities too.
Just recently Good Housekeeping Magazine gave me a fantastic makeover and featured me on double page spread, that was a big highlight, I had such a great day with them being pampered which doesn't happen very often…
Kirstie's spread in Good Housekeeping Magazine {click to enlarge}…
Any career/business lows, and how did you overcome them? – you don't have to answers this!
There are always lows in every business, finding out someone else has copied your design is the worse, it used to be heart wrenching for me, now I just had it over to my lawyer which is still heart wrenching due to the expense!
Any books/magazines you would recommend?
I have two wonderful books which I constantly refer to; Costume Jewellery by Judith Miller and Tiaras: A History of Splendour, by Geoffrey C. Munn…
I also have a great marketing pocket book I look at for marketing inspiration called It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be by Paul Arden…
What are your thoughts on wedding blogs, and the role they play in the wedding industry?
I love Wedding blogs! When I first created Flo & Percy there wasn't really any good ones, now there are a few and it is essential reading for me.
I keep up to date with the real weddings and see what brides are choosing and how they are being influenced. The blogs are so quick to publish their findings and that is where they have a big advantage over the magazines. I dip into all the blogs on a regular basis and see it as an important and necessary part of my job.
Do you have any thoughts on the 'vintage is a fad and on it's way out' debate of late?
I do have an opinion on vintage being a fad. I have thought for the last year that it will soon be on its way out. It's important as a business to always look forward and change with the times. Our last two collections weren't just about the vintage and will will continue to look at other areas for inspiration. There will always be vintage lovers and I am one of them, but there will always be fashion too and that changes like the wind, you would be naive if you thought otherwise!
Designs from The Gatsby Collection by Flo & Percy
Love My Dress Wedding Blog – Photography Copyright (c) 2011, Sarah Louise Johsnon
If you weren't a super star accessory designer and business owner, what would you be?
I love being creative, so it would definitely have to be something arty, I would be depressed and sad if I couldn't make something. I think I would like to be a sculptor living in Paris!
♥ ♥ ♥
Thank you so very much Kirstie for sharing your story so honestly and openly – there are some really valuable business lessons to be taken from this feature for any entrepreneur. I continue to admire you for the way you run your business and I love how so many of the Brides I feature on Love My Dress boast your beautiful designs on their wedding day.
Ladies, Kirstie is kindly offering you all a 15% discount on all Flo & Percy vintage inspired ranges until the end of February. Simply quote LMD15% at checkout.
To find out more, visit the Flo & Percy website. You can also follow Flo and Percy on Twitter and Facebook and be sure to take a peek at the budget busting Kitty & Dulcie website too.
You can read my previous interviews with inspirational business women here – there will be another inspiring interview to enjoy next Friday 😉
Much love all,