
Thought For A Sunday: Wedding Photographer Websites…

On Friday I posted some messages to my Twitter account, about my personal thoughts on music used on wedding photographer's websites. I had quite a response to what I 'tweeted', and so today, I thought I'd very briefly expand on a few other thoughts that have been mulling around in my head.

I completely adore spending time on Wedding Photographer's websites. Their amazing work feeds the content of this Wedding Blog and without them, Love My Dress wouldn't be here! These are just my personal thoughts, developed having spent a lot of time on Wedding Photography websites over the past year. I hope, as intended, that someone finds them helpful 🙂

With the thoughts below in mind, I speak as a Blogger but have also put myself in the shoes of a Bride planning her wedding.

No background music on wedding photography websites please!

 My Wedding Photography Website WIsh List…

♥   A Link to a Blog.  An active/recently updated blog.  The blog will encourage me that the Photographer is busy and active with commissions – even if they are not wedding related, I am looking for recent blog entries that display the Photographer's skill behind the camera or even some personal musings that demonstrate to me the Photographer has a passion for his/her craft.

♥   A transparent price list.  I need to know how much it will cost me for full day coverage, for you to stay back in the evening, and for that beautiful album.

♥   No background music please.  Except for on the very rare occasion where background music truly adds to and enhances my browsing experience, I will instantly go for the mute button, or, I have to be honest, exit the site in an instant.  The thing is, many Brides these days are so busy planning their wedding, they will utilise any available time to research/plan on the web. This includes time at work.  Imagine how annoying {and embarrassing} a sudden blast of music is for all those Bride's trying to squeeze in a sneaky peek during office hours?

♥   A photograph of you on your About page.  I always feel really disappointed when this is missing. I want to see the person that I'm likely going to be paying my hard earned money to to capture some of the most important photographs of my life on camera. An image of the Photographer would help me to make that instant connection on a personal level, and leave me far more likely to add that Photographer to my shortlist.

♥   No flash please. I can't view it on my iPhone. 

♥   And, whilst I have the opportunity, I may as well mention it.  Absolutely NO spot-colour please. It sends me running for the hills!

♥   ♥   ♥

Share your thoughts below.

And have a lovely relaxing Sunday 🙂

Much love,

Annabel xXx

PS:  A late addition to the list above, which I was reminded of by Debs of Belle Amour in her comment below, is lack of a visible email address on the contact page. A form is great and quite helpful, but do leave an email address too 🙂


More Thoughts for a Sunday here…

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