A Fun and Quirky Outdoor Wedding…

Afternoon lovely blog readers :)  Have you contributed to this morning's discussion post? Our topic for today is surnames – marital surnames, and Guest Blogger Rebecca Norris presents a few thoughts for you to consider.  I'd love to read your feedback to do take a few moments to leave a comment, whether you are married or not! Every reader opinion is valued.

This afternoon I'm featuring the work of Tom of the We Not Me Collective, whose work I've not featured before on Love My Dress, but who sent in some really fun images last week that had me smiling.  This is the wedding of Adeline and Scott, who tied the knot via a Humanist ceremony on 18 June at Le Petit Berger, Saint Crepin de Richemont in France. I love the personal DIY touches to this wedding, the sense of wild abandon and fun had throughout the day and this couples quirky sense of style.  I also love the 'to hell with it!' attitude to the weather.  This couple wanted to do it outdoors and nothing was going to stop them 🙂

Love My Dress Wedding Blog – Photography Copyright (c) 2011, We Not Me Collective


Now Adeline is one lucky lady, for her Mother in law actually made her 1950's style wedding dress {which went beautifully with her Christian Louboutin shoes}.  I know, kind of handy that isnt it?!

"I knew I didn’t want to get married in a traditional white dress – our friends and family had got used to my sometimes unique dress sense! I knew I wanted to have at least part of the dress a really bright colour, and most of my dresses are in a fifties style with net underskirts, so I wanted my wedding dress to be a reflection of me.

It was essentially something I knew I’d want a reason to wear again (which I have already!).

One reason for not wearing something traditional was that I didn’t want Scott to see me walking down the aisle thinking 'she looks beautiful, but I’d never imagine she’d wear something like that'…”.


Lovely DIY decor and detail was prevalent throughout the day. I love these paper pin wheels with the couples monogram in the centre – the same monogram appeared on the wine bottle labels, menus, table decor and other elements…



"I gave each of my Bridesmaids a colour swatch and asked them to choose what they wanted – they all ended up making their own dresses, except Julia (with the short blonde hair) who had a last minute run around to find hers as her fabric was too thick to cope in the heat! She found a dress from Boohoo…"



"We already knew we wanted to get married in France, as most of Adeline’s family lives there. Scott’s parents have a house in France, and when Adeline saw it, she completely fell in love with it. The house was beautiful, there was a crazy amount of space – which meant our friends and family could all camp on site if they wanted to, and Scott’s mum had spent years creating a beautiful garden that we knew would look great in photos!"







"I walked 'down the aisle' to 'Here There and Everywhere', by the Beatles, played by a string trio…"




"Scott’s dad built an arbour for us to be married under. He used willow from his garden to make it…"



"Scott proposed on the top of a mountain in Mexico. We’d bought the ring the day before when we were in Taxco, the old silver mining town of Mexico – even though I’d chosen it, it didn’t click that it was going to be an engagement ring!

The wedding rings were designed and made by Hannah Martin.  Scott is a drummer, and he was keen to be able to wear his ring whilst drumming without fear of getting any blisters! Adeline e-mailed St Martin’s college to ask if they had any students who would be willing to take on designing his ring as a project.
They suggested we get in touch with Hannah Martin, who was an ex-student of theirs. When we met with her, we got on immediately, and she designed both rings perfectly. Once made, her only suggestion was adding a black diamond to Adeline’s ring – a really sweet finishing touch."










Adeline’s mother organised all the flowers, with the help of her Aunt. The only request was that there were some gerberas, but after that, they were left to their own devices….







I love how the 'Aeline and Scott' stationery design appeared on pretty table decor/favours like the one below, as well as the menu and wine bottle labels.  So cute and a lovey personal touch…



"For wedding favours, we gave all the ladies fans that we bought on line, then wrote all their names on them and tied ribbon around them. All the men got straw hats, which we also bought online…."


"We met at a music festival, we go to the same one each year to celebrate; and Scott is a musician, so it seemed appropriate to include that as part of the day. 

But mostly, we wanted the whole day/week to be a reflection of us, both our individualities, and us as a couple."


"Our first dance was played by our friends, and was PJ Harvey’s This is Love.   We wanted something fun that was a reflection of us – slow dancing wasn’t very “us”, so we did an impromptu swing dance!"








Words of Wedded Wisdom… 

"Firstly – not to get too carried away! In the first couple of months of wedding planning, we had all these grand ideas, but when we added it all up, we realised we would need an astronimocal wedding budget!

Also, to remember the reasons for getting married in the first place – if it’s to have a huge party with your friends and family, then make sure you achieve that, and make that priority. If it’s to have an amazing dress, or amazing photos, make that a priority. You have to compromise somewhere, unless you have the good fortune to be able to afford it all, and have all the time in the world to plan it.

There were lots of things we’d planned on the day that never happened, we just completely forgot about them. And when people asked us later, we realised that they were never as important as we’d originally thought they were. (throwing the bouquet for example!)"


Congrats Adeline and Scott 😉 Thanks too to the We Not Me Collective for submitting these lovely images.

"Tom from We Not Me Collective was more amazing than we could have hoped. He’s since told us how many pictures he took, and we weren’t surprised – he was constantly snapping away, but we never noticed him. And by that, I mean, that he captured some incredibly intimate moments, but he never got under our feet.

 When we were looking for photographers, we were looking for something quite specific, which was apparently very hard to find. We wanted someone who would be able to capture the charm of a homemade country wedding, without making it look twee, and would capture everything that made it magical for us. When we first saw  We Not Me Collective's photos, we were overjoyed – they were perfect, They couldn’t have been more perfect. And since seeing our own, we know, without a shadow of a doubt, that they were the perfect choice. And though it’s a couple of years away, we know as soon as we have children, we want them to come and take those photos too."

How sweet is that?  Take note readers, choose your wedding photographers wisely! Reserve as much of the budget for this aspect of your wedding as is possible. I cannot stress enough the importance of doing so enough.

Any of you planning an outdoor wedding with lots of fun elements? I'd love to hear your ideas 🙂

Much love all,

Annabel xXx



Style Guide

Photographer – We Not Me Collective
Venue – Le Petit Berger, Saint Crepin de Richemont in France
Brides dress – Handmade by the Grooms Mother
Brides shoes – Christian Louboutin
Brides accessories – vintage earrings, headpiece made by a friend
Groom – Ben Sherman + Knitted tie from Ralph Lauren + White Paul Smith brogues + vintage “S” Cufflinks
Bridesmaids – Made by themselves
Rings – Hannah Martin

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