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The Lovettes (Amii) – Last Post Before The Big Day!

Our Lovettes member Amii got MARRIED last weekend!  Amii was one of the brides pretty late into her wedding planning journey when she joined our team of blogging brides. You can read her previous two posts here

This will be Amii’s last Lovettes post before we share her real wedding. Please bear in mind, this post was written just before Amii’s wedding too – the words will make much more sense if you do. One to enjoy over your lunch break ladies!


Well this is my very last post before the big day, and I’m happy to be able to tell you that whilst these last few weeks have been somewhat fraught, life does seemed to have calmed down.

The weekend before last, we went on a ‘booze cruise’ to Calais. Dressed in stripes we maximised on the strong Euro, and dropped by Sephora, because you know, it would be rude not to.

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And then last weekend we did a site visit, measured up and made our visions come to life with the aid of a tape measure and my decidedly substandard vlog-style notes-to-self (Don’t worry Zoella…yet).

The only thing really left to do now is to panic about things I have no control over; please don’t rain on us, please. I’ve been a good girl all year, promise.

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But you know, everything hasn’t been all sunshine and lollipops my last little panic was a fairly important one, my hair.

Before I’d got engaged I’d recently got an Alexa Chung style ‘lob’ on my ever-long blonde locks and I’d really grown to love it’s effortlessly ‘done’ vibe. So upon my return to the UK I visited my old hairdresser and told her my good news, to which she responded with something I would subsequently hear hundreds of times:

“Oh so you’re going to grow your hair then?”

taken aback initially I said:
“erm I don’t know, why? Is that what I’m supposed to do?

She then explained that every bride grows their hair before their wedding, so being a wedding newbie I just obliged, hundreds of brides can’t be wrong can they?

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Top left + top right, via Paper Antler
Bottom via this feature on Love My Dress, photography by Sally T

Now admittedly I’d put my hair and makeup right to the bottom of that to-do list for the last year, doing my usual ‘Oh it’ll be fine’, whilst secretly waking myself up in a cold sweat about it once a week. My main worry is that I just hate my hair up, but brides are supposed to wear their hair up so you can see the dilemma. I literally never wear my hair up unless I’m at the gym or out running, and I mean who wants ‘gym-face’ on their wedding day?

The straw that broke the camel’s back was my hair and makeup trial. The absolutely lovely girl did such a great job and on anyone else it would have looked wonderful, but it just did not look like me.

Panicked I called in the cavalry, my mum for her honest opinion – should I just chop it all off with only two weeks to go, knowing full well that if I hated it I couldn’t stick it back on? My mum was encouraging and said the most important thing was that I felt happy and encouraged me to chat it through with my hairdresser, the lovely Sam at The Point Salon in Brighton, who has got me out of a few hair mishaps already.

So in I went, in panic tears to ask her what to do, bless her too she moved appointments just to let me chat it through (at this point I now know that I good hairdresser is a godsend) and we decided together just to chop it off, two weeks to go, without really telling anyone.

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Trusting her implicitly as well as knowing you’ve got to ‘go bold or go home’ we did it and I absolutely love it! No more worrying about it getting in the way of my dress, I can now concentrate on the important stuff like finishing my Guestbook and making that ‘Hook-a-duck’.

So my advice is, you know what looks best, be that long hair, short hair, purple hair or green hair, you want to feel like the best version of yourself not Bride by Numbers. Make the choices that feel right for you and you’ll feel confident for it.

So as you read this I’ll have one more day at work before we tie that knot! Thank you so much for reading and commenting and allowing me to impart my mistakes and triumphs on you. I just cannot wait to marry my best friend now- I truly am I very lucky lady. See you on the other side!

Amii x

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