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The Lovettes – Introducing Vicky and Rosey

Happy lunch time all! Time for another introduction to a brand new real blogging bride to be and Lovettes member.  It was this one line in Vicky’s Lovettes application that kept my attention, There is no hierarchy to love and our wedding is just one more step forward in this being recognised by all.’  Over to you Vicky – and a very warm welcome to Love My Dress…


How exciting to be blogging for ‘Love My Dress’ or, as it shall be known for my posts, ‘Love Our Dresses’. Yes, just in case you missed it: I am a girl. A girl who is marrying a girl.

vicky and rosemary

And yes we are taking advantage of one of the few things that the Conservative party have ever done for us and actually getting married. No civil partnership for us – a proper wedding.

So, let me introduce myself and my partner Rosey…

vicky and rosemary lovettes - 2Plato had a theory that once, human beings were all made of two people. Two heads, four arms and four legs. The Gods were jealous that we were so clever and strong and quick that they plotted to make us weak and did so by dividing us in two.  From this point on we were set to spend the rest of our lives searching for someone to make us whole – our other half.

Unbelievably I have managed, in this huge wide world, to find my other half and we met, somewhat uninspiringly, in a bar in Leeds. I thought Rosey was the most beautiful person I had ever seen and couldn’t quite believe that she wanted to spend her evening talking to me. I also couldn’t believe that this beautiful person, who was interested in me, lived nearly 200 miles away.

However, we couldn’t ignore the fact that we were hopelessly drawn to one another and embarked on a long distance relationship. For two years we traipsed up and down the M1 from Leeds to Coventry spending every single spare second we could with each other. Eventually we made the decision to both relocate, with two cats, and move to Manchester. And I’m still waiting for the novelty of seeing each other every single day to wear off!

We were never that keen on the idea of a civil partnership, it always felt, to me, something lesser and something smaller than marriage. So, when in March 2014, gay marriage was made legal my thoughts on getting married started to change. It was something we discussed and we talked about how we would both like to propose but also be proposed to – two dresses, two rings – you can see a theme here! It was me who took the plunge first.

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For Rosey’s 30th birthday I bought her a personalised picture. It was made up of luggage tags with the dates of our favourite holidays together. The final tag was a date in the future: a weekend away in Birmingham in April. It was here that I shyly, and awkwardly, whipped out a ring and proposed. Actually, buying the ring is a story in itself, but I will save that for another post! She said yes and we had a magical weekend of champagne and romance.

At that point it was pressure on for Rosey as I patiently (or not so patiently if you ask her) waited for her to present me with my own rock and wedding plans could begin in earnest.

Finally, one day in August I came home from work to find small pieces of paper in the hallway. As I got close I saw that they continued all the way up the stairs and had on them quotes from my favourite books, poems and songs. I hurried up the stairs and there in the bedroom was a very nervous looking Rosey with a huge white box. Inside the box was an equally huge cake with a proposal written on it and the most beautiful ring. Cue another magical weekend of more champagne and more romance!

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And here we are, engaged and at the start of our wedding planning journey. We are still unsure how our wedding will look, which traditions we will adhere to, which we will adapt and which we will ignore. One thing I am sure of though is that the day I get to marry my other half won’t be one I will forget.

Vicky x



A little background on Vicky

As this is Vicky’s first post for Love My Dress,  we thought it would be nice to share some of her original Lovettes application with you all – to help you get to know her a little better.  We’ll be doing the same for all our new Lovettes when it comes to sharing their first posts.

Victoria is marrying Rosemary on 22nd July 2016
You can find Vicky on Instagram (though please note her account is private)
The brilliant Manchester based Haydn Rydings will be taking their wedding photographs

How They Met:

We pretty much covered this above 🙂

About their wedding:

We are having a pretty small affair about 40 day guests and 80 at night. We are having the whole day at the same hotel – Great John Street hotel in Manchester town centre. We have hired the whole top floor and a roof terrace. Hopefully, there will be sunshine and no typical Manchester showers and we can spend the day drinking champagne on the roof looking out over Manchester and the old Coronation Street studios!

The ceremony is booked for 2 and will be followed by either a 3 course sit down dinner or a fancy barbecue – we haven’t come to an agreement on this one yet!! Either way it will be a relaxed affair and we are looking forward to being free from the constraints of tradition and picking the elements we want and scrapping those we hate!! Maybe starting some traditions of our own!

What does marriage mean?

As we are only fairly recently legally allowed to marry it means a range of different things to us. However, our marriage and wedding will be a celebration of love. The love we have for one another, the love our families and friends have, unconditionally, shown us and the love that they share with their own partners and families. There is no hierarchy to love and our wedding is just one more step forward in this being recognised by all.

Favourite Hollywood Icon?

Ellen Page. It will have an outward sheen of glamour and beauty but will be down to earth, natural and have a hint of bravery.

Favourite Love My Dress wedding:

I love the very Britishness of this wedding from the queen’s swans on the cake to the summer flowers. Also that veil is to die for!!

Meet The Author