So, we’ve just passed our three month countdown and boy, is it going quickly. I’m all for taking advice from family and friends and so, when we first got engaged I asked around to get, as Annabel so wonderfully puts it, some Words of Wedded Wisdom from my nearest and dearest to help us along the way. One snippet of advice that I heard a few times was to try and get as much done as early as possible, even if you feel like you’re being a bit crazy and overzealous.
Another was to enjoy every part of the planning, even if sometimes you’re driving each other so mad with every tiny detail that you question why you’re getting married in the first place! Apparently it happens to the best of us 🙂
Our save the dates!
These were just the things that I was hoping to hear, as being someone who has worked in events for 7 years, I’m no stranger to a to-do list as long as my arm and working to a budget.
Busy baking our wedding cake!
The day after we got engaged I was already in my element, putting a budget together in excel with Rik peering over my shoulder wondering what on earth he’d let himself in for.
Our venue, The Tithe Barn in Ditcham
I hope(!) that he’s pleased now that my crazy level of organisation is paying off, as with just over 2.5 months to go our to-do list is looking pretty small and only left with a few small details left to complete. I’m sure that about a month before the wedding that list will suddenly multiply so we’re getting started on place names and table plans now to try and get ahead of ourselves.
The last few months have consisted of us baking our wedding cake, holding a wine tasting with our parents, and Rik road-tripping to Calais with his Dad and Grandad to pick up all of the wine and fizz.
After much debate over whether to get a tux or a suit, Rik took the plunge and decided on ‘the one’, ordered it and has now had it fitted. He has 100% spent far more time deciding on his outfit than I did on my dress! I spent a lunch break last week popping to Camden to collect the custom-made bow ties we’ve had made for all our groomsman, and my lovely bridesmaids’ dresses have arrived and are a perfect fit, phew!
My next project is a backdrop for the ceremony. This was something we’ve only just decided on in the last few weeks, after a visit to our venue made me realise how huge it is, and I want to make sure the space is well filled.
Rik wine tasting with his Dad
Plus, if we’re devoting a decent amount of time to a project, it may as well be one that creates an impact. I’ve also been lucky enough to have been given a load of fabric from the visual merchandising team at my work which has come at the perfect time, so I’m seeing a glue gun making an appearence in my near future!
Another pearl of wisdom from a married friend was to ask for help from family and friends. I was really wary of asking people to lend us their precious time, but I shouldn’t have worried as our nearest and dearest have been more than happy to help. We sent out our invites about a month ago, designed by my graphic designer bridesmaid extraordinaire Sam, who was oh-so patient with even the most picky of amends we gave her. We saved ourselves a few pennies by using a nifty corner cutter loaned to us by another of my bridesmaids Katie. You wouldn’t believe how much printers charge just to round-off corners!
Our lovely Katie and her husband Joe (who happens to be our best man) will also be lending us napkins and a brilliant bar handmade by him last year for their own wedding last June. As mentioned in fellow Lovette Katie’s post recently, you end up collecting, making and buying so many bits and pieces for a modern DIY wedding that there really is nothing better than being able to reuse something from a close friends’ big day, or have a skilled family member lend their expertise.
My mum will be sewing pocket squares for the groomsmen and finishing off the making of our cake, baking tiers of red velvet to add to the rum-soaked fruit cakes Rik and I have made for the top, and icing the whole thing. I think she’s glad she had a practice run with my cousins’ wedding cake earlier this year! My uncle is helping us string up dozens of metres of festoon lighting and my dad has been given the ambitious project of making us a lightbox, sorry dad!
I can’t wait to continue to see all the components of our wedding come together as we get nearer to the big day, and being able to enjoy the whole process and every step along the way.
Love Charlotte X
Charlotte Knott is marrying her fiancé Rik on 18th September 2015
Location: The Tithe Barn in Ditcham, near Petersfield
Photographer: McKinley Rodgers
Find Laura via: her blog + Instagram