It's Friday. Once up on a time, that meant there would be a time that I'd delight at the prospect of a couple of days of rest and recuperation ahead. Ahh, Saturday spent lying in with a book, or lazing on the sofa in the afternoon with a Sudoko puzzel. Sunday spent lying in even longer, reading the papers, a late breakfast and watching something wholesome on the tele like Country tracks. Or something or other.
But then babies came along.
And more recently, a blogging business.
And these days? Well, these days my weekends are spent mostly, like any other day in the week – working. Work work work. I am just soooooooooo busy. I need a break.
Oh woe is me.
Darn it! I am sick of hearing myself say the words 'I'm so busy'. I mean, aren't we all?!
Love My Dress Wedding Blog – All Photography on this page, Copyright (c) 2011, Polly Alexandre
It can be really really hard when you are self-employed to establish an optimal work-life balance, and right now, to be honest, I feel bereft of any personal sense of equilibrium. I am tired. I have not been kind to myself lately {lack of sleep, not eating well} and I have let way to many negative things creep into my mind and start influencing the way I do things – meaning I'm responding to challenges in a much less rational way than I would like.
But come on man woman man!!! {as they'd say in my neck of the woods}. What have I honestly got to complain about in the big scheme of things?
As I was sat working, and partly reflecting on my week gone by last night, with the ten o'clock news blaring out negative after negative news story and streaming horribly upsetting images from all around the world, I was reminded how bloody lucky I am.
I might be tired, I might be a bit stressed right now, I might be having to work my backside off to keep on top of things and crying out for some admin support, but really, in every single aspect of my life right now, both personal and business, I am so blessed to have what I have and be where I am; warm, safe, a family who loves me and a job that pays the bills.
I'm sorry if this all sounds a bit twee. I think I needed to write this post as part of my own personal 'pick-me-up' following a couple of weeks that have been really pretty tough. Maybe it's helping me to think {type?} it out loud.
As of today, I'm going to make a conscious effort to stop dwelling on the negative aspects of my life and be less reactive to them. Instead, I'm going to remind myself daily of all the positive reasons that my life is so good right now, and how lucky I am. I'm going to try to live the moment, rather than stress about the past or future.
There are endless reasons for me to smile and feel happy right now. I thought it would make a nice change to write a personal post and share some of these reasons with you. So um, here goes…
Things currently making me smile and feel happy…
The photographs from my shoot with Polly Alexandre {on this page} ♥ The New PJ Harvey Album, 'Let England Shake' ♥ Flowers arriving in the post ♥ Getting my fingers chewed by my baby girls first 2 teeth :) ♥ Drinking tea out of my lovely vintage china tea cup and saucer {tea just tastes better when drank from a china cup!} ♥ Eating apples from the garden ♥ A warm, late Summer Breeze ♥ Chucking out RUBBISH! {tidy home, tidy mind} ♥ Taking on two really exciting projects {watch this space} ♥ The joy my little girls bring into my life ♥ Hanging washing on the line ♥ Being inspired by friends & positive forces in my life ♥ Having the confidence to ditch negative forces – for good! ♥ Watching the moon rise as I work ♥ My Husband offering to come and work for me ♥ Being reminded to appreciate what I have right now ♥ Reading through thank you cards from guests who attended The Summer Soiree ♥ My new Fuji Instax {I LOVE it!} ♥ This film ♥ Cosying up with a warm blanket in the evening ♥ The sound of seagulls ♥ Taking a woodland walk at dusk time ♥ My home & all it's cosiness ♥ Genuine friendships ♥ My baby girl having learned to stand and clap at the same time! ♥ My wonderful blog Sponsors for believing in me ♥ A Girls Night Out ♥ Listening to my 5 year old little girl reading to herself ♥ Other people's generosity, like Vicky Trainor for example, who hand crafted 120 beautiful little fabric bookmarks for my guests at the Summer Soiree {see below}…
Love My Dress Wedding Blog – Photography Copyright (c) 2011, Vicky Trainor, The Vintage Drawer
……and that list was just one I reeled off in a few minutes. So you see, I really do have much to feel very happy about right now!
I love being my own boss, and whilst it is hard slog a lot of the time running your own business, I would not have it any other way. And if I have to work through to {3am} midnight again tonight? …well, so be it. I'll do so with a warm cup of tea by my side, a roof over my head and a happy, healthy family sleeping soundly upstairs, which is a lot more than many people in this world could ever hope to have.
I'd like to set you a little challenge – Can you list up to 5 things that are making you smile and feel happy right now? Come on, be as sensible or daft as you like 😉 I'd love to hear back from you, read through your comments and get some positive discussion going 🙂
Onwards and upwards lovely peeps, have a lovely Friday afternoon {might squeeze in a wedding this afternoon for your viewing pleasure if you leave some comments ;)}
Much love,
Annabel xXx
Also see:-
My 'Being Self Employed' Journal #1 ~ Working From Home…
My 'Being Self Employed' Journal #2 ~ The Trouble With Twitter…
My 'Being Self Employed' Journal #3 ~ Taking Regular Breaks to Recharge & Refocus...