The Curiosity Project ~ Have You Signed Up?

Morning friends 🙂

I want to dedicate today to a very special project that a very special, talented, creative and gifted friend of mine is running.  Her name is Tiffany Grant Riley, and regulars will recognise her name as she has contributed to Love My Dress on many occasions, be it via a wedding she has styled, or a guest post or discussion post.

Tiffany is one busy lady. Like me, she is a working Mummy and she has a passion for styling beautiful weddings, which she spends much of her days doing.  However, she has also managed to find time to dedicate to a wonderfully exciting project that you can get involved in.  Tiff tells us more {very ably assisted by her gorgeous little boy, Reuben}…

"We all love receiving post. I'm not talking the dreaded brown envelope, but something exciting, anticipated, perhaps unexpected. Sometimes, if I'm feeling flush, I like to order myself a few treats and enjoy waiting for their arrival, hoping they look as good in reality as they do online.

I got to thinking, wouldn't it be great if there was a way to get everyone buzzing about something-a little project everyone can be involved in, like the chain letters we used to get as children, only much more exciting! So, The Curiosity Project was born…"

Curious to know more? Then watch this….

Love My Dress Wedding Blog – Video Copyright (c) 2011, The Curiosity Project, via Tiffany Grant Riley

The Curiosity Project is, simply put, a mass exchange of personally chosen gifts between anonymous participants. I give, you receive. You give, I receive…

Doesn't that sound wonderful? Wouldn't you love to be a part of it? Let's find out how you can…


Find a Box…

The idea itself is simple; find a box, fill it with trinkets or curiosities and mail it to a stranger. Be creative with it. Take time over choosing its contents, if you're crafty make something. You could find a collection of old things or something brand new. Let it say something about you. Include something that has a meaning for you. 

Image Source:  Secret Leaves Blog

Vintage tin boxes

Decorate the box, wrap it beautifully. Write a note to the recipient if you like, but don't sign your name. In time, you'll receive your own Curiosity Box from a secret somebody.


Capture It… 

When you receive your box, take a photo of its contents-you could be wearing it, making it, reading it-whatever!

Image Source:  In Honour of Design, on Blogspot

Vintage Cameras

You could be a professional photographer using your Nikon (or your Canon depending on personal preference!) or you can play around with your Instagram on your iphone.

Email your picture with a response and it'll be featured on the blog. If everyone manages to do this, we can match our senders and recipients up. Just a bit of fun really! 



To get you started, Tiffany has produced this lovely little inspiration board {might even add a couple of my own over the course of this weekend so check back here later today!}

The Curiosity Project Inspiration Board

1. Character moustaches at Urban Outfitters, £8,  2. Swallow bird brooch by Lilac Coast at NOTHS, £4.50,  3. 5 Porcelain Heart Buttons by Melissaceramics at Etsy, £10, 4. Sir Mixalot 'Baby Got Back' print by LyricADay at Etsy, £1, 5. Cocktails & Rock Tails recipe book at Urban Outfitters, £9.99, 6. Movie love quotes tea towel by Karin Akesson at NOTHS, £12


The Rules…

(1) Email your name and full address including postcode to Tiffany at [email protected]
(2) Your name will be put into a hat and each participant will be drawn a secret recipient to send their curiosity box to.
(3) The name of the recipient will remain secret but the address will be emailed to you the day before the project starts (see 'To Enter').
(4) The maximum budget is £20 but you don't have to spend the exact amount.
(5) Each participant has a box to fill. The size of the box doesn't matter, although be aware of postage weight etc.
(6) Make sure you address the box to 'The Curiosity Project' so as the recipient knows what it is when it arrives.
(7) Please do not include food, baked goods, sweets or cosmetics of any kind for safety reasons.
(8) Your personal details will be forwarded only once to your secret project partner. Your information is not shared with any third parties.

The Curiosity Project


To Enter…

(1) Entrants must live in Great Britain, Ireland or Europe.
(2) Please email your details to Tiffany by midnight on Sunday 4th September 2011 {Tiffany has extended her original deadline JUST for Love My Dress readers 🙂
(3) You'll receive your partner's address on Sept 10th 2011.
(4) You must have mailed your box by the 1st of November 2011.


♥    ♥    ♥


I've signed up, have you?  I can't wait to get started! 😉

For more information and inspiration, visit The Curiosity Project website 🙂

Have fun everyone 🙂

Much love,

Annabel xXx


ps – how much do I adore this screen-grab? :))

I Love My Mummy!

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