Hi chaps and chapesses and happy Fathers day to those of ya'll to whom it matters! Whatever you're up to today, I hope you're having fun.
My Week In Instagram…
I thought it would be really fun each week to share a few of my Instagram images via my Sunday Serving post. I am a little bit addicted to Instagram. Infact, I absolutely love taking photographs on my iPad and iPhone and editing them with software like Instagram, VSCOCam and picfx.
I love sharing experiences through photography and it's just so easy for us all to connect and share in this way now. I'm working on a project to share reader images too each weekend – watch this space! Perhaps we could start our own 'photo a day' challenge or something? 😉
This week my Instagram has captured a variety of bits and bobs, including these gorgeous gold shoes {1}, a purchase from the sale currently on at Dune. That's my little six year old dancing girl top right {2}, she was born to dance I swear, she never ever stops moving!
On Thursday evening my Husband went out and I took time to sit outside just after dusk to watch the sun set {4} – it was beautiful! I love the silhouettes the trees cast in the sky in that magical light between day and night time, and the sound of the leaves gently rustling – it wasn't raining at the time {I know!} – it was raining however when I took that picture of the cheeky snail {7} eating the rose leaves in our garden :/
I took this photo {6} of other youngest daughter, now 22 months sleeping peacefully on Wednesday afternoon. I don't think I'll ever tire of just sitting peacefully and staring at her.
Those are my pups above {8}; Tarka {a Jack Russell/Whippet cross} at the bottom and Izzie {bit of a mix of Retriever, lurcher and um, something else!}. Izzie is the Sophia Loren of the dog world. Fact. Next week I'm totally Instagraming her eyes and eye lashes so you can see for your self.
On Tuesday this week I was in London to meet with the project team for something very big and very exciting that I'm working on. Wet met over lunch at Drink Shop Do in Kings Cross, and I purchased these {9} fun Secret Message Writing and 3D Drawing Pad sets there for my eldest daughter.
And last night, I was giggling away at the toilet humour at my Mum and Dad's home – their down stairs loo is plastered with humorous snippets from all over the place and covered with artwork by Beryl Cool {10}.
Guest Blogging Opportunities…
Lovely Franky is away for the next couple of weeks on her honeymoon and so I'm looking for guest bloggers to assist in producing content for the next 3-4 week period. If you are interested and would like to see your writing and images published to Love My Dress, please drop me a line on [email protected]. I would love to hear from you 🙂
This Week on Love My Dress…
Love My Dress Wedding Blog – Photography Copyright (c) 2012, Annamarie Stepney
Reader Competition ~ Emily&Jo Bespoke Wedding Stationery Giveaway, Worth £250… this fabulous duo of designers are literally giving away TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS WORTH OF STATIONERY – FOR FREE!
Ellie Gillard ~ East London Wedding Photographer + 10% Discount on Wedding Photography Bookings…
Love My Dress Wedding Blog – Photography Copyright (c) 2012, Lisa Dawn Photography
Love My Dress Wedding Blog – Photography Copyright (c) 2012, Meliess
Two Bespoke Wedding Dresses for a Beautiful, Vintage Inspired Civil Partnership By The Sea…
The first civil partnership to appear on Love My Dress. And what an utterly beautiful day it is too…
Love My Dress Wedding Blog – Photography Copyright (c) 2012, Mark Carey
And a preview of what's coming up next week…
Fun, gorgeous, colourful, stylish, love-filled, inspirational wedding days. And here's just one of them…
Personal Thoughts….
I have to give a little mention to something that has made me think hard this week. A couple of nights ago, I watched an incredibly moving documentary on Channel 5, which followed the teenage life of childhood burns victim, Terri Calvesbert. I've seen previous documentaries on Terri, who suffered 90% burns during an accident at home when she was just 22 months old. She is infact one of only a handful of people across the world who has gone on to survive following 90% burns.
The footage included in the documentary was exceptionally moving; images of a tiny, vulnerable and horrifically injured toddler, black skin, lost fingers and toes, bandages everywhere – her whole set of skin was regrafted. And yet between these disturbing images, the programme served as a beacon of hope and inspiration for me, thanks to the amazing force of love that was Terri's Father {her Mother stopped seeing her shortly after the accident as she could not cope with the guilt of having left the cigarette in Terri's bedroom that caused the blaze} but largely, because of Terri's exceptional bravery, incredible strength of character and immense passion for life.
The footage of Terri battling through as a toddler following the terrible accident that caused her burns was harrowing and overwhelmingly moving. And yet even then, as a 2 and 3 year old, she was giggling and running around as if she didn't have a single care in the world. As a 15 year old, and 'disfigured' for ever, she is now enjoying life to the max, never complains, is completely at ease with her appearance, and forgives her Mother without question – saying 'it was nobodies fault really'.
The programme really set about challenging the conventional meaning of the word 'beautiful' for me. Terri Calvesbert is a sweet, vivacious, kind and gentle soul. Hand on my heart, when I look at her, all I see is a beautiful young lady choosing not to let her experiences destroy her, but to live her life in a beautiful, gentle, fulfilling way. I've never brought in to the fact that beauty is only skin deep, and yet I've never felt able to truly articulate why. To me, 'beauty' is about the person you are, the sense of love and kindness and altruism you project to others. Sure, the latest Mac lippy {I'm a sucker for them} – and a touch of air brushing, a nip and tuck here and a botox injection to iron out that furrowed brow all adds to making the aesthetics more appealing, but my whole understanding of the concept of what is 'beautiful' has been challenged this week, and I'm very grateful to young Terri Calvesbert for that.
It was a remarkable programme and Terri Calvesbert is a remarkable young lady who has left such a positive impression with me this week. If you missed the programme, you can watch it online here.
And that's it for now my loves. Except to leave a little hint that I'm working on something amazing right now my friends. And it's consuming a huge amount of my time, passion and energy. I will be sharing full details with you very soon. I promise you. And don't hint at the phenomenal amount of energy this is consuming from me right now lightly. It's the real deal. Watch this space…
I'd love to hear what you've been up to this week, what you're doing today and what you have planned for the next few days. This time next week, I'll be at The Hoxton in East London with my Husband – yay! 😉
Have a lovely Fathers day and relaxing Sunday everyone,
Much love all,