Good morning folks – we’re mixing up the usual format today and instead of featuring a real wedding this morning, we’re launching our big, brilliant 2016 reader survey. If you’re a regular reader of Love My Dress, you might have spotted me mention this briefly in my recent personal post. The survey itself should taken around 10 minutes to complete properly, so I’ll keep this brief and cut right to the chase.
Firstly, I’m really delighted that we’re going to be offering a £250 prize (bank transfer) to one lucky reader/survey respondent. We appreciate we all need a little encouragement when it comes to form filling in, so, ya know… 😉
Thing other thing is, and this is super-duper style important…
Your thoughts and experiences matter HUGELY to us. Without you – there would be no point in us blogging at all. And that’s a basic fact. What you, personally think of Love My Dress, how you perceive it, the way you choose to engage and interact with it is of vital importance. We need to know what we’re doing right, what we may be doing wrong, and how you think we might be able to make things even better. And more importantly, we also want to get to know you better. Partly so we can ensure our content remains relevant to our readers, going forward, but also because we’re really keen to examine how brides are planning their weddings in 2016.
It’s been almost two years now since we launched our new blog/site design but so much has happened in this time; we’ve witnessed a huge shift in the power and influence of social media platforms – we’ve observed bloggers having to think outside the box and work more creatively with their sponsors and advertisers and we’ve seen big changes in the way readers like you interact with and follow your favourite blogs. We can never truly sit still – we have to keep a constant eye on the shifting sands of the digital environment we work within. It’s a good job we love our jobs and thrive on challenge 😉
Our goal remains constant; to continue to be a leading British wedding blog, one that supports and inspires those planning a wedding in a completely non patronising way. A blog that offers a beautifully curated and thoughtfully written, daily reminder of the meaning of weddings and value of marriage. We can only achieve this goal with your help.
So my lovelies, without any further time wasting, I would like to offer you a personal invitation to complete our big, shiny new 2016 reader survey. It will probably take you 10 minutes if done properly, but just imagine what you could spend £250 on? That’s a beautiful new dress or a very posh new pair of shoes, or even a romantic night away with your lover.
This survey has been designed with all our readers in mind – you can be engaged or have been married for years, and we warmly welcome responses from industry professionals too. We want to hear from all and as many of you as possible.
You don’t have to leave your name or email – you are more than welcome to leave these fields blank if you would rather remain anonymous. Please just note that in so doing, you forfeit your opportunity to be in with a chance of winning £250 (we’ll need to know how to contact the winner, after all!). And please please be as honest as you can – even if that means a touch of ‘constructive criticism’ 😉
Please Click here to complete the Love My Dress 2016 reader survey.
The survey will end at midnight on Sunday 30th May.
So much love and thanks,
Annabel xx