My ‘Being Self Employed’ Journal #4 ~ Focussing On The Good Stuff…

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It's Friday.  Once up on a time, that meant there would be a time that I'd delight at the prospect of a couple of days of rest and recuperation ahead.  Ahh, Saturday spent lying in with a book, or lazing on the sofa in the afternoon with a Sudoko puzzel.  Sunday spent lying in even longer, reading the papers, a late breakfast and watching something wholesome on the tele like Country tracks.  Or something or other.

But then babies came along.

And more recently, a blogging business.

And these days? Well, these days my weekends are spent mostly, like any other day in the week – working. Work work work. I am just soooooooooo busy.  I need a break.

Oh woe is me.

Darn it! I am sick of hearing myself say the words 'I'm so busy'. I mean, aren't we all?!  

Love My Dress Wedding Blog – All Photography on this page, Copyright (c) 2011, Polly Alexandre

Annabel Beeforth, Love My Dress UK Wedding Blog

It can be really really hard when you are self-employed to establish an optimal work-life balance, and right now, to be honest, I feel bereft of any personal sense of equilibrium.  I am tired. I have not been kind to myself lately {lack of sleep, not eating well} and I have let way to many negative things creep into my mind and start influencing the way I do things – meaning I'm responding to challenges in a much less rational way than I would like.

But come on man woman man!!! {as they'd say in my neck of the woods}. What have I honestly got to complain about in the big scheme of things?

As I was sat working, and partly reflecting on my week gone by last night, with the ten o'clock news blaring out negative after negative news story and streaming horribly upsetting images from all around the world, I was reminded how bloody lucky I am.

I might be tired, I might be a bit stressed right now, I might be having to work my backside off to keep on top of things and crying out for some admin support, but really, in every single aspect of my life right now, both personal and business, I am so blessed to have what I have and be where I am; warm, safe, a family who loves me and a job that pays the bills.


I'm sorry if this all sounds a bit twee.  I think I needed to write this post as part of my own personal 'pick-me-up' following a couple of weeks that have been really pretty tough.  Maybe it's helping me to think {type?} it out loud. 

As of today, I'm going to make a conscious effort to stop dwelling on the negative aspects of my life and be less reactive to them.  Instead, I'm going to remind myself daily of all the positive reasons that my life is so good right now, and how lucky I am.  I'm going to try to live the moment, rather than stress about the past or future.

There are endless reasons for me to smile and feel happy right now. I thought it would make a nice change to write a personal post and share some of these reasons with you. So um, here goes…


Things currently making me smile and feel happy…

The photographs from my shoot with Polly Alexandre {on this page}  The New PJ Harvey Album, 'Let England Shake'    Flowers arriving in the post    Getting my fingers chewed by my baby girls first 2 teeth :)    Drinking tea out of my lovely vintage china tea cup and saucer {tea just tastes better when drank from a china cup!}    Eating apples from the garden    A warm, late Summer Breeze  ♥  Chucking out RUBBISH! {tidy home, tidy mind}    Taking on two really exciting projects {watch this space}    The joy my little girls bring into my life    Hanging washing on the line    Being inspired by friends & positive forces in my life    Having the confidence to ditch negative forces – for good!  ♥ Watching the moon rise as I work    My Husband offering to come and work for me  ♥  Being reminded to appreciate what I have right now   Reading through thank you cards from guests who attended The Summer Soiree  ♥  My new Fuji Instax {I LOVE it!}  ♥  This film   ♥  Cosying up with a warm blanket in the evening  ♥  The sound of seagulls   Taking a woodland walk at dusk time  ♥  My home & all it's cosiness   ♥  Genuine friendships  ♥  My baby girl having learned to stand and clap at the same time!    ♥   My wonderful blog Sponsors for believing in me    A Girls Night Out   ♥  Listening to my 5 year old little girl reading to herself  ♥  Other people's generosity, like Vicky Trainor for example, who hand crafted 120 beautiful little fabric bookmarks for my guests at the Summer Soiree {see below}…

Love My Dress Wedding Blog – Photography Copyright (c) 2011, Vicky Trainor, The Vintage Drawer


……and that list was just one I reeled off in a few minutes.  So you see, I really do have much to feel very happy about right now! 

I love being my own boss, and whilst it is hard slog a lot of the time running your own business, I would not have it any other way.  And if I have to work through to {3am} midnight again tonight? …well, so be it. I'll do so with a warm cup of tea by my side, a roof over my head and a happy, healthy family sleeping soundly upstairs, which is a lot more than many people in this world could ever hope to have.

Polly3 Polly5

I'd like to set you a little challenge – Can you list up to 5 things that are making you smile and feel happy right now?  Come on, be as sensible or daft as you like 😉 I'd love to hear back from you, read through your comments and get some positive discussion going 🙂

Onwards and upwards lovely peeps, have a lovely Friday afternoon {might squeeze in a wedding this afternoon for your viewing pleasure if you leave some comments ;)}

Much love,

Annabel xXx



Also see:-
My 'Being Self Employed' Journal #1 ~ Working From Home

My 'Being Self Employed' Journal #2 ~ The Trouble With Twitter
My 'Being Self Employed' Journal #3 ~ Taking Regular Breaks to Recharge & Refocus...


Annabel View all Annabel's articles

Founder of Love My Dress. Passionate Podcaster and Editor. Annabel lives in rural North Yorkshire with her husband and business partner Philip, their two daughters and menagerie of furry hounds. She loves photography, meditation, walking, being outdoors and star gazing. She is fierce when it comes to championing talent within the wedding industry and when she's not working on Love My Dress, she supports her husband Philip in the running of the family's sustainable flower farm and floral design business, Moonwind Flowers. In 2013, she became a published author.

101 thoughts on “My ‘Being Self Employed’ Journal #4 ~ Focussing On The Good Stuff…

  1. Great post, Annabel. We all need to step back sometimes and take a proper look at how lucky we really are. I know how easy it is to get bogged down in the stuff that worries us though. Have a great, sunny Friday and take a few hours off to enjoy it!

  2. OK here goes
    1. Memories of the LMD soiree helped by the hilarous polaroid still strewn across my desk.
    2. Making my clients cry with happiness
    3. Making people smile
    4. Doing a job I love that pays the bills (copied that one Annabel)
    5. My hubby

  3. THIS is why I love you and your blog Annabel. You are a wise lady 🙂
    My 5 things {keeping me sane as I try to write the last 6000 words of my MA thesis}
    1. My children. Everything about them. Their smiles, their fascinating take on life, their love of peas and the unconditinal love they offer me every day.
    2. Tea and porridge for breakfast.
    3. Old episodes of sex and the City.
    4. Red lipstick.
    5. Waking up next to my fiance.
    Loveaudrey xXx

  4. Lovely post Annabel, and could not have come at a better time, as this week has been a shocker for me too. It is very hard when working alone to give yourself the much-needed pep-talk, so thanks for doing it for me.
    Things making me smile this week: My boy ‘listening’ to me, cheesecake with heart shaped strawberries, making plans to meet new acquaintances, a kitchen wall replastered and ready to decorate, my niece getting excellent A’Level results.

  5. Thanks for your post. Its soo nice to know that others have ridiculous lives too. We (boyfreind & me) both work on our business now full time. We too have a little girl who is 2 who is very well behaved and patient with us. We are ridiculously busy and wouldn’t have it any other way. But I totally get all of your comments above. Weekend lazy days, sunday pub lunches and days out leisure shopping have become a thing of the past. We try every week to strike a balance but with orders to fulfill it’s almost impossible to do. This morning I was in the studio at 4.45am.
    Thanks for highlighting the poitives. This week I’ve felt like we’re drowing as we have a new staff member who whilst is lovely, enthusiatic and everything you would totally want for your business – does get things wrong, needs lot’s of training & time etc. You’re positives are a great reminder for me today.
    Today it’s my day at home with our little girl (we share 2 days of her childcare) so I’ve got chance to comment on your lovely blog whilst she’s busied herself with colouring!! Bless mind mannered children who let dear mummies & daddies build a business hopefully in time for a better life for us all. Some days we have to take her into the studio while she amuses herself with making patterns with ribbon ends in her tent/play area that we set up in there. Bless her.
    We’re at Liberties this weekend pitching to get our cards in their store whilst Grandparents yet again help us out.
    I’m grateful for your post today! xx

  6. 1) My wedding, which is happening in less than a month
    2) Cross stitching
    3) My cats, who are currently curled up asleep on top of each other
    4) Cheese & chutney
    5) My garden

  7. A lovely reflective post Annabel…
    Five things that are making me smile:
    1. Seeing my mum and some old family friends today for drinks and nibbles in the sunshine
    2. 106 days until I get married – whoop whoop
    3. Scrambled eggs and muffins. For breakfast. At 11am. In my kitchen. (Who needs an office job…i love my days working from home….)
    4. My lace and pearl napkin rings which i’m making for a client’s wedding
    5. A weekend of fun ahead at V Festival…music, dancing, drinking – and shameful celeb spotting…!
    Happy Friday xxx

  8. Great post…
    1. My 7 month old baby girl Edie.
    2. Getting great feedback from satisfied clients.
    3. Chocolate!
    4. Super Tess Dog.
    5. Trying to spend weekends (if not working) out and about with my husband, baby girl and dog.

  9. Pearl & Queenie my cats, an amazing team making real progress & helping people with cancer @cancerrecovery, being endlessly busy with Belle Amie Vintage, a husband who cooks delicious meals, teaches me something new everyday and makes me laugh all the time, friends and family who often surprise me with how supportive they can be and are utterly dear
    Thanks, Annabel. Made me smile xx

  10. Ahh, I’m having one of those weeks. Terribly stressed out and I have all sorts of awfulness going on from being recently made redundant to dealing with someone very close to me (yet 3 hours away in hospital) in pain from secondary cancer. I feel hopeless.
    On the other hand, she loves my work and I know she’d want me to be a success. She’s hate it if I cancelled everything to see her so we’re working around my weddings at the moment. So I guess I my first one on the list would be my health, also the love of my wonderful husband (just thinking of him makes me smile), tea in a china cup, home-made cakes and of course, weddings! I have one of the best jobs in the world, being able to capture such an important moment and create something personal and unique for them to treasure forever…it’s enough to cheer me up 🙂

  11. I too run my own business (making bespoke clothes) and I also find focusing on the ‘good’ is less stain on my brain. My 5 smilely things are 1. the buntings fluttering in the sunshine outside my studio. 2. the call I’ve just had from my gorgeous sister. 3. The community spirit in my part of London after the riots. 4. the fact that I know I am ‘loved’ by friends and family, and 5. all the friends and family that I love and who make such a difference in my life.
    Usually it really is just the simple every day stuff that makes us realise how happy we really are. Thanks for your blog, it’s really cheery stuff.

  12. What a fabulous post … we all need to remind ourselves sometimes that there are fantastic things about being self employed and not just long hours and no weekends! There is a reason why all our friends are jealous of us 🙂
    My five are …
    1) My fabulous boyfriend who is coming home from work at the moment and starting work for me at this busy time!
    2) I’m finally going on holiday with all my lovely friends in 2 weeks to France
    3) Thank You cards and emails from lovely clients who’ve really appreciated all my hard work
    4) Having PJ days … the benefits of working from home!
    5) Its sunny! (Probably not for long but still .. I may go for a walk :))

  13. Because sometimes we all need a reality check!!
    1) The thought of planning my 30th birthday next year then flying to New York with my best friends for SATC style weekend
    2) That my diary is already booked up with brides on the 3rd September, meaning that today, I can have a quiet day and not feel like I have to flog myself to do more…
    3) The copy of Grazia and recorded BNTM I have to read/watch tonight whilst hubby is out with the boys
    4) The lovely e-mail from my mum about how proud she is of me for starting up my own business
    5) The phone call with my best friend this morning, not talking about work!

  14. What a beautiful post, Annabel. I love these personal posts of yours. Five things making me smile today:
    1) the fact that i am going to florida on monday!
    2) the fact that i have an amazing family who give me never ending love and support.
    3) the fact that my dogs are happy and healthy
    4) the fact that i am dreaming big, and very excited about it
    5) the fact that i am about to head out to a wonderful lunch with a friend of mine!

  15. 1. Wearing a stripy top that makes me feel French.
    2. My awesome wingman who makes me laugh even when he’s in the middle of a strop.
    3. Impending self-employment 😀
    4. Some time away to celebrate our wedding anniversary – 9 days off and no idea what we’re doing!
    5. Sunshine in August!

  16. I’ve been mega busy too- a fulll time job and attempting to run the bakery side project is flipping exhausting, but there’s nothing like a list to focus the mind and make you realise how lucky you are! 5 things that are making me happy on this very Friday
    -sun shining through the gloom and making it look like summer might come back
    -the thought of the weekend ahead, camping in the forest with friends (all the more reason to be happy about the sunshine)
    -the possibility of Pimms with all the trimmings
    -signing up ‘the bakery’ for our first bit of print advertising
    -a weblink to something silly that my husband sent- he knows me so well, it scares me a bit sometimes!

  17. Oh my word! What a response! I have absolutely loved reading through the comments left already – thank you so much *everyone* 🙂
    Some of my faves from the above:-
    1) The thought of planning my 30th birthday next year then flying to New York with my best friends for SATC style weekend {a woman after my own heart!!}
    2) The lovely e-mail from my mum about how proud she is of me for starting up my own business {And so you should be my love, I am proud of you too!}
    3) The community spirit in my part of London after the riots {hooray for community spirit and people working together to help one another!}
    4) 106 days until I get married – whoop whoop {watch it FLY by lady!}
    5) Memories of the LMD soiree helped by the hilarous polaroid still strewn across my desk {my job here is done ;)}
    Keep them coming, this is so much fun and hugely uplifting. It’s been such a tough couple of weeks for me but things aren’t as bad as I had thought 🙂
    Lots of love everyone,
    Annabel xXx

  18. Ooh, forgot to give you my 5 things:
    1. My son Maximillian and how happy he is with his new toy sheep I bought him this morning.
    2. The sun is SHINING!
    3. The delicious Carluccios coffee I had this morning.
    4. Leon’s off getting a replacement car key today, so no more having to put the spare key in the ignition quickly so the alarm doesn’t go off 😉
    5. I’ve lost 3lbs in time for my 4 days away in Palma on Thursday, woo hoo!

  19. Alot of what you said resonates Annabel! I went freelance just over a month ago to pursue my hair and make-up business and since then I’ve not known what day of the week it is, let alone trying to eat/sleep properly! That said I absolutely love the challenge and the freedom and wouldn’t change it for the world!
    I think myself lucky for the support of my family and friends and also for these things:
    1.Once I’d finished my job last weekend I was able to take a wander round the Tate and the National Portrait Gallery for the afternoon! My first opportunity to enjoy the freedom of freelance.
    2.Having an ice cream fight with my sister at her birthday meal the other night, despite the fact we are both knocking on 30…
    3.Chai Lattes! (God I’m addicted…)
    4.Seeing beautiful pictures come through from a shoot I did a few weeks ago! It makes the late night prepping/early start/long day all worth while!
    5.Practising new hair and make-up looks on my lovely housemate, she’s a doll!

  20. Hmmm
    1) snuggles with my cat, the sun makes his fur look like fire!
    2) my belly tickling baby (our 1st due Dec)
    3) my Rob, who has made me laugh every day for the last 8 years
    4) tweets & blogs from fab people whom I have never met
    5) my job/ hobbies/studies 24hr satisfaction and stimulus!
    I am a very lucky girl, and that is just the tip of the iceberg, not even mentioned my ace family & friends. It’s true, it’s better to focus on all the positives in your life, but don’t feel guilty about the occasional rant/ moan, it’s healthy to have a purge when frustration builds. As long as it is followed by an indulgence of all those wonderful thongs that make us smile xxx

  21. This is such a good idea!
    1. It’s Friday (a weekend of wedding planning YAY!)
    2. My mum is coming to stay this weekend
    3. It’s sunny today, I love the sun
    4. I haven’t gone overdrawn this month, first time in 2 years!
    5. Love My Dress Blog. I am totally addicted!
    T x

  22. 5 Things to Be Thankful For
    1) My Husband, Lover, Soul Mate & Best Friend….My Childhood Sweetheart so thankful he was placed in My Life to Be THE ONE…. My Everything and the Father of my babies
    2) My Children aged 16, 10 and 1 each bringing me great Joy… such individual characters. I am in awe of what the Hubby and I have created…My Greatest Achievements.
    3) My Family and Friends without them and their Support, Love and Encouragement I would be lost they gave me the strength and drive to persevere with my career which has been tough going as a Freelance Artist with Kids.
    4) My work as a make-Up Artist This is My Passion…it isn’t just a Job, it is a career that i have given my All to for 20 Years…The creation of Beauty with Make-Up still excites Me.
    5) Living…sounds Mad but in this Crazy World of Wars, Famine, Riots and Negativity I am truly Thankful for Every breath that I take….having lost a few friends in recent Years to Cancer etc. I know how precious and short our time is on this Earth so I Pray every Night and am thankful for Every New Day with those that I Love and care for…Even if it’s rainy I hope for a rainbow….I am not always Happy with Life sometimes things can get me down but I take stock and count my blessings and realise Life is what we make it and i’d rather be Happy.

  23. hot buttered crumpets, our gorgeous new puppy even if she is poohing all over the place, my beautiful fiance cooking for me tonight, swimming this afternoon and this blog! love it!

  24. Thanks for this post.
    1. my children {even if they are currently driving me to the brink of insanity}
    2. we’re going on holiday next week
    3. manchego with honey and ground coffee sprinkled on
    4. my job
    5. we’re soon moving to a house with a big {compared to current} garden

  25. 1. My adorable little niece Dasiy who I get to see in 2 hours and smother her with JoJo kisses….
    2. Home backed fruit loaf by my best bud
    3. Its Friday
    4. Thinking of that swimming pool we are soon to get
    5. Of course my adorable hubby who always put a smlie on this face…

  26. 1) it’s my 5th wedding anniversary today!
    2) good friends of ours just had a baby boy, although they were
    Both confirmed ‘medically infertile’ ~ these guys are the happiest &
    Most loved up, right now!
    3) my fab hubbie bought me new sewing machine! I can create again without having
    a mare with my machine!
    4)we have family who love us, support us, both bit crazy, but pretty lovey!
    5)I’m still in pyjamas, it’s nearly lunchtime & I’m going to have a bubble bath & bacon sandwich in a bit! 😀
    X x x

  27. What a lovely, honest post. I really sympathise with you, although my business is not off the ground quite yet I’m juggling my own business, part time work, looking after my 1yr old & keeping the house in some sort of respectable order mostly on my own as my husband works offshore.
    It’s really easy to get overwhelmed and bogged down, I think especially when you work from home, there is always reminders of more things ‘to do’. One day I’ll make it and hopefully juggling slightly less! (wishfull thinking) I’m so glad I have wonderful people like you to cling to for inspiration, from the little I know of you I think your a wonderful person annabel and much loved, you should be very proud.
    things that make me smile just now;
    1. my daughters first shoes
    2. my apple crumble cakes I slaved over – DELISH
    3. lovely comments on my recent newborn photos
    4. random acts of kindness from my neighbours
    5. the lovely atmosphere & buzz in george square, glasgow just now AKA mini philly.

  28. Good for you Annabel 🙂 work will always be there but your girls will grow so fast, go take the afternoon off 😉
    1. G got a promotion 😀
    2. My mums cancer treatment finished this week.
    3. My little boy’s giggle.
    4. Swimming
    5. Collecting a new iPad (naughty) hehe!!
    Big love xxx

  29. Great post Annabel, I think I might see myself between some of those lines in one firm or another 😉
    My 5… Here’s to positive forces!
    1. That in (both) my jobs, I get to make a difference to people, whether it’s a small or big difference, I like that I have the opportunity to give back.
    2. My Cats, specifically Charlie after almost losing him, every purr and miaow is sweeter 😉
    3. Making new friends, people who are ridiculously supportive and restore my faith in life. Not to mention you Annabel!
    4. Rediscovering my actual life now I have more time! (such a cop out but it encompasses so many things!)
    5. Am I allowed to say handbags ?!?! 😉

  30. I love it! I’m not self-employed but this week has shown that there’s so much uncertainty in this world too. Urgh.
    Anyway today is a stonking day, the end of a tough week and I feel like dancing because it’s Friday. So things I’m thankful for:
    1) This beeyyootiful late summer’s day
    2) Having a dream that I will one day be able to enjoy these late summer’s days in the countryside, not peeking through office buildings
    3) Having the most gorgeous, brilliant, supportive fiance who although occasionally amused by my dreams bolsters me through them all
    4) Everyone, at the moment, being nice and healthy
    5) Friends, family, family to be, who are so unbelievably excited for our wedding regardless of all that’s going on in their lives.
    Ooh I need more – today is a happy day – something to do with the torrential rain and gloom that was yesterday I think!!! x
    6) Because we all have free will, I devote my sneaky number 6 to ladies like you Annabel who provide so much joy and useful information to this desk bound girl!

  31. Oh Annabel, what a lovely positive post, and a fab way to start the weekend! My 5 things that make me happy….
    Our cats Lucy and Harry (lots of love for the felines here on LMD!) who slept either side of my legs last night, pinning me to the spot, for 7 straight hours. I loved it. My husband-the single best thing to happen in my life, ever. My best friends Anna and Clare-how very lucky I am to get to talk to them every single day, my life is certainly more wonderful with them in it. That very same Girls Night Out you mention above, Annabel-I can’t wait! I feel like I’m going to Disneyland! And finally…. Cake. Nuff said.

  32. I like you am juggling an expanding business, new baby and all the joys…here are my five…
    1) my amazing supportive family who have been tea makers,delivery drivers, venue dressers, flower makers…and now childcare..I am nothing without them
    2) getting excited about our renovations, making the house a wonderful home for my darling boys…addicted to Elle Decoration…
    3)Retro ice cream sundae glasses that I have bought.. I need all the calories I can get to keep me going…
    4) the sunrises that i see getting up to feed the boy
    5) playing with beautiful flowers with the leafy girls..and that I have over 5 people working with me.

  33. Rebecca – thank you so much. You’ll find I’m very loyal to those who show me kindness and respect, as you have done.
    I’m so pleased your cat is better now.
    And yes, you are allowed to say handbags 🙂 I am banned from buying any more for a while mind…….. !

  34. How lovely, we all seem to be in the same boat but reading this makes us feel like we are not all on our own.
    1. Spending the next three days with my wonderful, loving supportive husband, who although is totally wedding genied out will let me take my mac with me!
    2. Chocolate, magazines and chilling.
    3. Sitting down for an hour with nothing to do but think. Pure heaven.
    4. Still being in August and having a few weeks of summer left.
    5. My super lovely brides who make my job worth doing.
    Have a lovely weekend, life work balance? what is that. Maybe we can start a club to work out how to actually do it! lol x

  35. 1. The client that got up from our consultation and went straight to a cash machine to book us, despite my insisting she think it over.
    2. Tacos for dinner (mmmmmm tacos!)
    3. My dogs
    4. Michelle’s 60’s sexy lady inspiration post
    5. The notion that I might be able to pull off going blonde (inspired by annabelle:)

  36. Ah, these words ring so true! Here’s mine:
    1.Watching my fully grown Weimaraner behaving like a kitten when he sees a fly.
    2. Unexpected ‘just thinking of you’ midday phonecalls from my husband which keep me going.
    3. Having the love and support from new and old friends on Twitter….who just ‘get it’.
    4. Knowing I have 3 glorious days with my husband coming up next month to spend some quality time together.
    5. Looking around my studio and seeing all the pretty and inspirational things I’ve collected, including Vicky Trainor studio sign, Emma Case magnets, LMD Soiree photobooth pics with good friends and Love My Dress compact mirror (which sits on my white vintage crochet gloves, befitting Annabel).

  37. I love this, Annabel – it’s so important to focus on the good stuff, and this feels especially true for my husband and I this week as my mother in law is about to start her first course of chemotherapy on Monday. Anyway, onto the good stuff:
    1. My brother getting engaged this week to his lovely girlfriend
    2. Picnics on the Green in the sunshine (now that the sun is finally back out!)
    3. The anticipation of our long weekend in Cornwall next week
    4. My husband and my family
    5. Heading back to one of my favourite places in the world for work in September

  38. This is great and so well timed!
    Right, here are mine:
    1. The fact that I booked all my holiday this year for the end of Summer/Autumn so I’ve got three impending breaks to look forward to.
    2. Setting a goal to have moved both home and day job by end of the year.
    3. We’re picking up our new car tomorrow.
    4. Brilliant friends and family.
    5. James, who has been a real rock recently.

  39. A lovely post and yet another reason you are such a wonderful inspiration! My 5 things:
    1. Sunshine in my window
    2. All the lovely friends I have made since beginning my blogging journey
    3. Actually taking a lunch break today, and treating myself to my favourite frappacino
    4. Planning my new blogger-friendly office
    5. The never-ending love and support of my hubby

  40. 1. Reading wedding blogs every day- especially LMD
    2. That I have already made my Christmas Pudding which must mean it can’t be that long until Christmas
    3. Going swimming at the Victorian lido near my house when the sun is shining
    4. That my boss isn’t in the office today!
    5. My fiance -and my sparkly diamond 😉

  41. LoveAudrey –
    “Old episodes of sex and the City”
    I have the box set at the ready. I am going to indulge myself this evening with at least 3 episodes!!
    “Red lipstick”
    My fave too. Especially when it’s Chanel {naughty!}. I think there’s a red for everyone out there isn’t there?

  42. This post came at the end of ‘one of those’ weeks and has totally cheered me up – Thank you! My five currently…
    1. My husband, who’s just taken one thing off my ridiculous ‘to do’ list by doing all the shopping and household chores I’ve not gotten round to.
    2. Our flat goes on the market next week so we start the process of moving to a proper grown up house where I can HAVE MY OWN OFFICE!!! instead of working from the kitchen table (short term stress followed by long term loveliness, hopefully!)
    3. Best friends coming round for dinner tonight
    4. Being appreciated in my part time day job – although I’m working 12 hour days for them then coming home to start my wedding work, at least I know they appreciate it and that’s a lot better than most people!
    5. Meeting with one of my brides tomorrow, which always makes me smile 🙂

  43. Currently working full time and then trying to start a business up in my ‘spare time’ so your post almost made me smile/cry x x x
    1. Knowing whatever happens my family and kids are here to support me and make me laugh when times are tough
    2. Chocolate (precisely Galaxy!)
    3. All this hard work will mean a lovely new house
    4. My little girl who is only 18 months chatting away like my 4 year old boy.
    5. Ironing – oddly gives me a break from the work to take digest everything.

  44. I’ve had a shocking week full of illness, worry and stress. Here’s my 5:
    1) I am sitting in a town square in France, all of my editing is completely up to date (aside from uploading, no wifi here), it’s 32 degrees, it’s beautiful here and I’m being paid to be here (shooting a wedding here tomorrow). My job is amazing!
    2) my fantastic, supportive husband is going to be my office manager from now on, I can’t wait to keep growing the business together into something that we’re both proud of.
    3) my kids are simply amazing. They never stop making me smile and laugh.
    4) This industry has connected me with so many amazing people that I feel blessed to call friends.
    5) did I mention that I’m in FRANCE to shoot a wedding??? FRANCE!!! How bloody amazing is that!!!

  45. Such a lovely post Annabel and I think what a lot of us need as we head into the weekend. So here goes my 5 things that make me happy right now.
    1. Planning my wedding to my gorgeous, supportive fiance;
    2. Our honeymoon to Cuba which we booked last week and what will be our first two week holiday together;
    3. Building my wedding planning business, meeting new couples and hearing their love stories;
    4. Chill out time with the Mad Men box set or a good book;
    5. BBQ’s and cider in the sunshine.
    Happy Friday everyone.
    Louise x

  46. 1. I am having a BABY!!!! < i think i can finally shout about this one! 12 week scan on monday!! Eeek! 2. a bar of galaxy and a full fat coke! 3. having three whole days off work with my lovely man this weekend! 4. handwritten letters from and to my grandma <3 5. a vintage pushbike that i reclaimed from a skip and is currently hidden in the garage.... covered in flowers for the wedding? yup yup!

  47. ~for sure after a mini melt down earlier this week when the fear really kicked me up the behind I know just what you mean. What a great post.
    1. {life and good health] The sun is shining I’ve got another day and a talent
    2. {love} Amazing family and friends who support me no matter what even though being self employed has meant they get to see me soo much less.
    3. {snuggles} My little cat keeping me company
    4. {Inspiration} my lovely clients who this week have reminded why I do this
    5. {Wishes do come true} I’ve been granted a wish this week and I catch my breath every time i think about it.

  48. 1. The embarrassed-looking bride to be on the train with me, decked out in her do gear + clutching champers.
    2. The way my boyfriend looks at me.
    3. Supporting CLIC Sargent.
    4. Sunshine + warm breezes.
    5. Happy memories + exciting plans.

  49. My five things are:
    1. The excitement of starting a new wedding business
    2.My brilliant and immensely supportive hubby
    2.The joy of living near our beautiful guidedaughter and seeing her grow and learn
    4.Curling up on a Sunday night with blogs – constant inspiration
    and finally
    5.knowing that there is a huge community of us ladies out there working for ourselves, dreaming of working for ourselves and knowing that we all support each other and no matter how bad your day is there is always someone out there who understands whether that be your fiance, husband, sister, best friend or fellow blogger/tweet friend you’ve never even met!
    Thanks Annabel for a beautiful and well timed post.
    Happy Friday x

  50. Amy Kinsella – big love to you lady. I have been there. KEEP working at it. Work work work and you will make it. Nothing lands in your lap and if you have enough passion and energy now to make it work, you will soon be looking back and congratulating yourself for making it 🙂
    I’m waiting to hear good news from you love 😉

  51. 1. The sky.
    2. The sense of achievement you feel when completing a job you’ve put off for ages – this morning I hoovered the car.
    3. All of my children’s faces and voices (19, 14, 6 and 4)even though I sometimes yearn for solitude.
    4. Galaxy chocolate (I’ve just noticed I’m not the only one!)
    5. The sense of excitement and wonder I feel at being so in love, and adoring being loved and cared for after so many years of not feeling these things.

  52. Eliza Claire – YES! You really ARE in France shooting a wedding! hehehe! I am so proud of you my friend. I know how hard you work. I know how passionate you are about your photography, your family, your friends.
    When you open that studio with your name all over the windows, I will be first in the queue with a very expensive bottle of champagne ;)))
    Lots and lots of love,
    Annabel xXx

  53. This is such an inspiring post Annabel! I am also guilty of everything you talked about so I take up your challenge to list 5 things that make me smile right now…(and have to admit, I struggled at first…)
    1. My forthcoming trip to London to see my sister, watch Ghost the Musical and cuddle with her gorgeous little kittens Larry and Evie
    2. Stealing half an hour at any time of the day (or night!) to create something new for myself or Vintage Twee
    3. Watching Americas Next Top Model while I work and reciting: ‘Ten beautiful ladies stand before me…but I only have 9 photos in my hand..’
    4. Wondering what treasures I will rescue every week for my antique collection
    5. The prospect of the opportunities that lie ahead of me…
    I managed it! Ok, I shall work on doing this at least once a week to stay happy!

  54. Jo Bradshaw…
    “The sense of excitement and wonder I feel at being so in love, and adoring being loved and cared for after so many years of not feeling these things…”
    Bless you love. I am so happy for you. Big virtual hugs. Hope I can make it a real hug very very soon :)))

  55. What an absolutely gorgeous post! It’s made my day and I shall read it again and again. It’s hard to keep a balanced view when you work on your own. And even harder to keep a balanced routine when you work from home. You read my mind.
    My list:
    My lovely supportive family
    My gorgeous funny dog
    The natural beauty all around us
    My view of the canal outside our house
    Having a job where you can be creative every day
    Thank you Annabel x

  56. I maintain that there is something in the air at the moment (I blame the news…) because I know a lot of stressed out, frazzled people! Myself included sadly, so what a brilliant time to make a happiness list:
    Things making me happy at the moment are:
    1) Only 2 weeks until I see my wedding dress in the flesh (I am having it made) for the first time, in all it’s underskirted, colourful glory;
    2) Escaping my desk for the woods near my office, listening to the Fleet Foxes in my earphones and pretending I am a million miles from everyone;
    3) The fact that the sun is shining today, and my naive belief that it will still be shining in early September when we go on a trip to the countryside;
    4) Making bridesmaid dresses for my brilliant nieces, one of whom wants a dress which makes her look like a bee, because she knows her Uncle likes bees; and
    5) Planning my eventual escape from my current job by opening my own wedding dress shop. In my head, it is both awesome and colourful and it makes me insanely happy to retreat there…
    Stay sane and happy everyone! Sx

  57. HI Annabel,
    I totally understand where you are coming from. It’s great to be busy and things going well but at the same time, it can be very hard to manage the work/life balance when you work for yourself. Sometimes, you just need a complete break from this wonderful industry we are in and not have to think about it for a day or even a few hours!
    Anyway,here are my top 5 things making me smile right now:
    1. 40th birthday party tonite – black tie event which means I get to squeeze into my ridiculously tight cocktail dress, have fun, drink too much wine and have a night away in a posh hotel!
    2. My wonderful children aged 2 1/2 and nearly 5 who make me laugh every day.
    3. My lovely husband who is so patient with me – even after me completely losing it at 5.15am after my son woke up and refused to go back to sleep!
    4. Fresh vegetables from our vegetable patch and our plums are now ripe and ready to eat.
    5. Managing to finally go and create some new designs that I’ve been itching to get started on for months. I’m never happier than when I’m working on some new pieces!

  58. 1. My lovely, supportive, kind, dependable husband
    2. My two gorgeous cats who are always happy to share a purr and a cuddle
    3. Having two working legs that let me run off my anxieties
    4. Currently staying on top of said anxieties (see 3)
    5. Escaping to the New Forest in approximately 4.5 hours with the lovely husband and two cats.

  59. I have so enjoyed reading through all these comments! Feeling very uplifted right now after coming in to work feeling really p*****d off!
    Here is my top five
    * my fiance. i cannot imagine life without him
    * our baby girl, i was so stressed this morning taking her to nursery getting there late then getting to work grumpy. it really doesn’t matter!
    * the wedding we have planned for may 2012 i am beyond excited about the thought of seeing my little girl in her flowergirl dress!
    * love my dress! best wedding blog ever ever ever. fact.
    * my jo malone perfume, a gift from my fiance. it make me so happy to wear it, it is delicious!

  60. ann, i hope you get a little bit of break even for just 5mins; and just take a deep breath and relax 🙂 just slow down for a bit ♥ i’m sure there is happiness and beauty around you waiting to be notice ♥
    my top 5 that makes me smile & happy right now 🙂 coz i want to be thankful for what i have now 🙂
    1. the smile on my husband’s face when he greeted me good morning awhile ago – always a great way to start my day!
    2. we are in the process of buying a house, and it’s kinda exciting to finally have a place to call our own
    3. iron and wine’s song (the trapeze swinger) playing on my pc right now; it always bring me good memories and kinda gives this nostalgic feeling at the same time
    4. how lucky i am that i have two jobs that i really love to do (project engineer/manager in the AM and photographer in the nights and weekends; yes it is a lot of work but i feel truly blessed and grateful!
    5.all the happy friday posts and comments that i am reading right now on your blog 🙂
    happy friday ann *hugs*

  61. Sarah – Rapunzel’s Dreams
    “Having a job where you can be creative every day”
    We are SO lucky aren’t we? I used to have an office job and it was slowly killing me!!!

  62. Suze – I LOVE the Fleetfoxes – their new album is amazing isn’t it?
    Gail Jones – let your hair done lady and ENJOY tonight. Dance with wild abandon – who really cares what you look like? 😉
    VictoriaMaryVintage – you have reminded me I want to start running again. Baby steps to start with. Might go for 10 mins first thing in the morning 😉
    Louise – I confess I have never in my life had any Jo Malone products. About time I changed that eh? It’s my birthday next month, I may have to start dropping some hints! 😉
    blue elephant photography – I am glad this post has made you smile. I haven’t stopped smiling all day each time I dip in to read the new comments 😉

  63. Five things…..
    1) James the man of my dreams been together for 11 years and hoping to get married!!!
    2) Gabriel my beautiful and crazy cat!
    3) A wedding fair this evening at Buckinghamshire Railway Centre – Quainton
    4) Knowing I am going to Hypde Park on the 11/09 to see Lionel Richie / Caro Emerald / Imelda May etc
    5) It is Friday – the weekend starts now!!!
    happy weekend everyone

  64. Such a lovely, honest post… my 5 things:
    – feeling my little girl growing and kicking
    – the kind words wrote about the images from my first wedding
    – feeling the seasons change – it reminds me we should never and can not live our lives without change
    – the lovely new stationary set I just bought
    – the thought of a nice long bath this evening x

  65. I ended up writing 2 lists 🙂 Thanks for reminding me of the obvious X
    Five things I’m grateful for:
    1. I have awesome friends who support and believe in me
    2. I have discovered what I love doing – art directing engagement shoots
    3. I’m surrounded by inspiring people who are discovering / living their life purpose
    4. My family
    5. That I’ve been fortunate to travel to so many parts of the world
    Five things that genuinely make me laugh out loud or smile
    1. Thinking about Mike & Alma’s photo shoot last weekend (they were the funniest couple)
    2. Seeing my nephew Alex learn to walk on Skype this morning
    3. Thinking about my family dinners in Australia when me and my 5 siblings like to talk over each other
    4. Cooking chicken and rice for the ppl I care about (strangely I hate cooking but this makes me smile)
    5. Snowboarding in fresh powder

  66. I’ve just spent 20 minutes reading through everyones comments! What a fab blog post! Just wish I had seen it earlier today as it has not been the best of days, though it is helping me to rapidly forget things.
    These didn’t take long to think of ..
    (1) looking forward to a my best friends wedding and being her bridesmaid
    (2) my best friend being my bridesmaid next year
    (3) marrying my other best friend next year
    (4) the prospect of having children
    (5) growing old together
    thanks for lifting my spirits with all the lovely thoughts,
    Kayt x

  67. This is so so positive! Things making me smile are: my fiance; my crazy 3 year old niece; my new bargain curtains; my winter boots; and of course all my friends and family 🙂

  68. – loving shooting editorial bridal fashion & details
    – traveling for weddings, lucky to have been to SA, Bali, Tuscany and Marrakech in the space of six months!
    – working from home = no commute
    – shooting weddings with my husband
    – meeting so many great people through this industry

  69. AlysonLaird – winter boots!!! It suddenly feels like Summer is slipping away so fast…..
    Chanelle – you are living a total dream for most people, you are lucky but you have worked so hard for your achievements. I am such a firm believer in if you work hard you will be rewarded, eventually. I love meeting new people in this industry too, my life has changed completely in so many positive ways because of it.
    Erika – hehehe! I’m gonna “keep on truckin”…. probably until 1am this morning! So much to do! 🙂
    Thanks *everyone* for taking a few moments to leave some positive thoughts.
    Much love,
    Annabel xXx

  70. Hey Annabel
    Your list sounds like my ‘Gratitude Journal’. I write in it especially when I am finding that life is getting on top of me and I write down all the things that I am grateful for at that time and it always lifts my spirits, like you say, there are so many people worse off. So here’s my list:
    1. My amazing fiancee who always takes care of me.
    2. Our lovely little puppy – even if he can be hard work sometimes.
    3. Finding blush pink lace to match the tulle of my wedding dress.
    4. All my lovely friends.
    5. My lovely new job.
    (and an extra one – my homemade crystal headband turning out better than I could have imagined.)

  71. totally wonderful blog post & here is my 6 (coudn’t stick at 5!)
    -first cup of tea of the day
    -paper (i love buying new paper and writing and sketching, love the smell of it, just got some new new paper yesterday and can’t stop stroking it!)
    -we are trying for a baby
    -also walking at dusk, magical time of day
    -cadburys creme eggs
    -my auntie, she has taught me so much in life
    lea x

  72. Just what I was needing to help me pull myself together, I’ve had a torrid week and a few little niggly things that I’m not going to let get me down. I’ve been looking at building up my resilience and this is one of the things that was recommended and I’ve just not got round to it, but here goes…
    1 – Ben, for dancing like nobody is watching, making perfect cups of tea, giving amazing hugs and doing the best wombat impression I’ve ever seen.
    2 – our families, who are just brilliant really.
    3 – My little car, it’s beautiful, I’ve worked hard to get it and it gives me independence and freedom
    4 – our lovely flat in an old mansion, with beautiful views and great neighbours. Also the rent is an absolute steal and means we can save for our wedding.
    5 – getting my bake on!

  73. Oh my, how I can relate to this post! I get so caught up in the things I miss because of my job that sometimes I need to remind myself of how blessed I really am! This post and all its comments make me so happy – we aren’t alone.
    So here’s my list
    1 My amazing supportive and beautiful husband
    2 Three sweet gorgeous children who make me smile every single day
    3 My pup Willow
    4 My photography business. I love that I’m self-employed and that I get to make people happy every single day!
    5 Enjoying a great cup of coffee and an interior design magazine in the garden.

  74. You are such on inspiration my sweet. I wish I could let you know how much you mean to me.
    As for me – 5 whole things? Ok. Things that make me happy.
    1. The fact that Bean has a week off and we are actually going to do things. Huzzah.
    2. Pink.
    3. You, my sweet, lovely, Annabel
    4. Bean hugs.
    5. The fact that I can see a little light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

  75. Thank you so much Annabel for this lovely and perfectly timed post! I have had many ‘woe is me’ moments over the last few months but you’re so right, there is much to be happy about / thankful for. Here are mine:
    1) My progesterone levels are UP significantly, (trust me, this is good news)
    2) Homemade lemon drizzle cake
    3) My amazing husband and all he does for me
    4) The fact that I’m down to the final two for the job of my dreams and the final interview is in NYC!!
    5) My wonderful friends – enjoying a boat trip with 2 of them and my husband this morning to Hampton Court in the sunshine.
    Have a great week ahead everyone. xxx

  76. Oh I have just seen this lovely post. So true. So real.
    Here goes:
    1. My wonderful husband (married for two whole months!)
    2. And our three beautiful children
    3. My fabulous friends (most definitely including my twitter friends!)
    4. My wedding photographs
    5. Stationery

  77. What a lovely read, both the posts and the comments! Here are mine:
    1) Chloe–she’s such an amazing little dog, full of cuddles and joy and humour and she never fails to make me smile.
    2) My Mum–the most awesome, wonderful person I’ve ever met. She makes me feel loved and supported in everything I do and I’m so grateful for everything she did in raising me, I know she sometimes doubts herself, but I always tell her she’s the best.
    3) Good stories–whether they’re published in books, magazines or online, told by a friend, sung in a song, filmed or photographed or drawn or painted. Stories are what make us human and we should cherish every one.
    4) Clothes (and shopping for them!)–I love getting to go shopping for something new and lovely and just right or even just going through my wardrobe and looking at all the lovely things I’m lucky enough to own.
    5) Having a job that pays the rent that I actually like doing while I build the career of doing something I love. And that all the people I’ve encountered in building my career in this wonderful wedding industry have just made it feel more and more like the best thing ever.

  78. Hey!
    I have had a day off today and it has been such a treat to log in to this post again after 2 days to read all the extra positive comments! Thank you so much everyone for sharing…
    Anna – you are a complete star and that light is gonna get brighter my dear, much brighter….
    Cathy B – GOOD LUCK with that job interview!!!
    Emily – happy 2 month anniversary! 😉
    Catherine – I love the stories comment, that’s so sweet, and so true.
    Much love all of you 🙂
    Annabel xxx

  79. I’ve been self employed for nearly 9 years and still I seem to work long hours, if I’m not on the computer I’m at events I’ve organised or meeting clients in the evening. I think to myself why am I still doing all these hours. But, thats the nature of being self employed in an industry of prominently one man/woman businesses. Not only are we ‘doing the job’ we are ‘running the business’ (finance, marketing, pr, sales) – on our own. No wonder we are so tired! Despite the stress and lack of sleep esp. when in the midst of summer season I wouldnt change it. SO what are my fav. 5 things?
    1. Having a job that enables me to take my children to school, collect them, watch their plays and sports day. Cook their dinner, bath them and generally be there even though at times I might scream BE QUIET MUMMY IS WORKING AHHHHH
    2. Reading my paranormal romance (it’s not intellectual but I just don’t care, I love them) – maybe one day I might get to organise a wedding for a vampire – hmm the possibilities!
    3. Seeing guests faces when they walk into a marquee or venue I have designed/organised
    4. Laughing with my friends/fellow planners esp. at UKAWP events
    5. My gorgeous husband who has always supported and believed in me who also works on the business with me 🙂

  80. Hi Annabel! What a lovely and honest post and such a great way of reminding us what really matters!
    So, here goes…
    1. First and most importantly my husband, Richard and our little two-year-old boy. I never know that being a mum would be so hard but is the single most rewarding thing I’ve ever done!
    2. Sunny weather makes me feel very happy inside.
    3. The adrenaline of bartering and walking away with something brilliant from an antiques fair.
    4. The smell of cut grass and melted chocolate (does that count as 2?!)
    5. Positive feedback (on anything!)

  81. A really inspiring post, Annabel. My work/life balance has been shot to pieces for the last year or so and I understand well the strange isolation that working from home can bring. I couldn’t paddle more furiously at the moment and yet there are times when I just feel utterly overwhelmed. But, deep down there is the wonderful satisfaction of knowing that I, too, am blessed to be able to work towards something that truly fulfils me.
    Also, there are these wonderful things to make me smile and feel happy…
    1. My fiancé. His patience and understanding know no bounds.
    2. Wearing a beautiful bright red summer dress. No-one sees me at my desk, but it makes me feel good.
    3. Thinking of my wedding dress hanging in my parents wardrobe.
    4. Day dreaming of April next year when I finally get to wear it!
    5. Shooting Stars on BBC2 later tonight. A nice chance to switch my head off and get silly… 🙂

  82. I thought I’d mention some little random things that make me happy; I have great friends and family etc, but I like to make the little things count just as much!
    1)The smell of marmite on hot toast.
    2)Singing around a piano and working out harmonies.
    3)The way chocolate looks when it’s melting, but still keeping its shape, and then you swirl it..mmm.
    4)My cat, Gollum, going ‘mya-mya’ if i give him a pat when he’s asleep.
    5)Heavy rain at night when I’m all snug in my bed.
    6)The opening credits of The Sound of Music.
    7)The smell of new carpets.
    8)My husband’s face when he raises one eyebrow and his brow goes all furrowed..he just looks adorable.
    9)Eating apricots off the tree at my parents’ house.
    10)Throwing things to a dog and seeing it jump in the air to catch them.
    Okay, so that was ten off the top of my head…like I said, happiness is all over in all sorts of random little things!

  83. – watching my children grow up
    – bare feet on the grass
    – sunshine on the water
    – a parcel full of fabric
    – finding positive people all around you when you thought you were feeling down xxx

  84. Oh I LOVE checking back in to this post and seeing all the wonderful, uplifting comments you have all left, it is such a treat – *thank you everyone!!*
    Bernadette – Laughter is an absolute necessity in life. I love those occasions where you get the giggles and you just can’t stop, especially when it’s really reeeeeeeeeally inappropriate!! ;))
    Hannah – I love your website, it is classy and stylish and you are fabulous curator of the pretty photoshoot. I hope that feedback makes you smile ;))
    Lel – “I couldn’t paddle more furiously at the moment and yet there are times when I just feel utterly overwhelmed…” you hit the nail on the head with this comment by the way, this is how I feel a lot of the time, though, I’m happy. And as for “Wearing a beautiful bright red summer dress. No-one sees me at my desk, but it makes me feel good.” I am SO with you. It’s like wearing a super sexy set of lingerie. No one knows but a posh pair of pants just makes you feel sooo much better! hehehe 🙂
    Kat – we have an apricot tree too!!! Here is the harvest from last month…
    Anna – I love your last bit of positive. I find when I’m at my lowest, good people gravitate towards me and I don’t feel low again.

  85. I started reading this post and the comments while in the queues at Legoland on Friday (yay a day off to go to Legoland as a family on a weekday!!!) and have now finally got the chance to come back and read it all again properly-such an inspiring & uplifting post and so many wonderful comments. I too am guilty of dwelling on the negative instead of the positive, feels like constant rollercoaster of emotions at times, so thank you for reminding me to think about all the positive and wonderful things in my life that make me happy-here’s my list…
    1. My husband, my best friend, the ‘one’- we’ll be celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary next month and though the last few years have seen some of the most difficult times as we both made life changing career choices-him to go back into full time education to qualify to be a social worker and me to set up my wedding planning business our relationship and marriage feels stronger than ever right now
    2. Our gorgeous little 5year old boy-watching him grow up has been amazing, every day he makes me smile in wonder and he gives the best cuddles and kisses.
    3. My parents-their support and encouragement has been invaluable from babysitting, sewing skills to yummy home-grown fruit and vegetables and much more…
    4. The amazing and inspiring people I have met in the last few years in the wedding industry especially those that have become great friends.
    5. An exciting new project that I found out about last week that I just can’t wait to start.
    And can I sneak in one more because I’m really quite chuffed about it…
    6. Dropping 2 dress sizes this year and still managing to sneak in eating chocolate!! woohoo!
    Thank you Annabel xx

  86. Hi Andri!
    I love this top 6! ;)))
    Working for yourself in this industry certainly does feel like such a rollercoaster of emotions at times doesn’t it? I have never worked as hard as I do right now, but despite the tiredness and occasional exhaustion, I would NOT have it any other ewya.
    I am so excited that you are taking on new projects and throwing youself into this full time, I just ADORED the shoot you styled that featured on Love My Dress {here it is, for anyone readin!}. You have a natural talent and it would be doing no one any good not to use it to it’s best effect.
    Lots of love Andri,
    Annabel xXx

  87. Hi Annabel, fabulous and inspiring post as ever thanks x Ok, my five:
    1. Returning from Sardinia last night and realising that there’s nothing quite like your own bed.
    2. Snuggling up with my cat Jasper on said bed having missed him for a couple of weeks.
    3. Meeting one of my best friend’s baby for the first time today.
    4. Finding a stray Easter egg at the back of the cupboard just now.
    5. Planning Saturday’s wedding with such wonderful clients makes me look forward to working tonight as opposed to dreading it.

  88. Oh how lovely it is to realise I’m not alone in feeling like I do..thanks Annabel! After coming from a very secure (and well paid) 9-5 city job, to being self employed with a 5 and 1 year old, I feel like this oh so often. You’re so right, and isn’t life just too short for all the stress some of us put ourselves under…
    1) Being woken up by my 1 year old baby boy singing (every morning without fail bless him)
    2) Watching my 5 year old ‘baby’ girl sleep
    3) Cosying up on the sofa with my husband, watching bad reality tv with a good old cuppa
    4) Glam nights out with my friends, pink champagne and lots of laughs
    5) When I get a new client or a meeting goes really well and I can pat myself on the back and feel like all my hard work has paid off and I done it all myself! x

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